This is Our Time Review and Giveaway

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This movie is so heartwarming to watch. Especially when I feel like my blog has had to take a back seat for so long lately. However, I do firmly believe that God is behind this blog 110%. I’ve had some pretty amazing things happen since I started it. I also feel that I may need to come out of my comfort zone a bit more than I have, and let you all in a bit more than I have in the past already.

We were given this movie to review in exchange for a blog post and offering you all the chance to win a copy as well. However, this movie was a gentle reminder for me that I need to listen to God’s calling for what he wants me to do with my life.

One of the things that was pointed out throughout the movie was that we all have a calling to do. Plus we also have to sometimes endure more trials and tribulations than others who may not believe. I definitely feel like I’ve endured a lot of different tribulations throughout my life. However, I also feel that it has allowed me to be a witness for God’s love, grace, and mercy as well. I’m not a perfect Christian by far!!! I don’t even claim to know everything there is to know concerning the whole religion topic.

Personally, I question those who claim to know all there is to know about the Bible and God’s plan. I do feel that someone who has studied every part of the Bible will know a great amount, but in the same token I also feel that God uses all of us regardless of our faith and knowledge level to bear witness for him.

I have had preachers tell me that one day I would be preaching God’s gospel truth to others, and I would help others find their way to God. I know for a fact I have helped others do it already. I’m not trying to brag by any means. However, I am pointing out that regardless how insignificant we may feel or even how others make us feel, we make a difference in God’s eyes. He truly does have a plan for all of us.

This movie is a good movie for anyone who questions whether or not their life has meaning and/or value in it. It’s a great reminder as well that God is in control and he does turn all bad into good in some form or another.

Here’s your chance to win this movie as well.



a Rafflecopter giveaway


I’m going to get personal now.

Do you believe in God??

I will tell you if you don’t I’m not going to judge you and tell you that your wrong for not believing. I will tell you this that God has made a huge difference in my life. I believe that over time if you come back and read more (or even read some of my more personal posts that I’ve already written that you’ll see the difference he’s made in my life.)

How has God shaped your life??

I would truly love to know where you stand. If you just want to tell me via email, then that is fine too. I do check it often!! I’ve been on both ends of the spectrum. I’ve even had stages where I’ve lost my faith after getting it.

Having faith is a big deal. Of course, so is not having it.



Movie Reviews

Photo of author


I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

8 comments on “This is Our Time Review and Giveaway”

  1. I do believe in God! God is so awesome! I believe Jesus died for our sins and saved us! Now that IS LOVE!!! 😀

  2. I concur! Jesus is not a “religion” but a relationship! A refreshing movie review and I look forward to watching this one soon! Thank you for your honesty and heartfelt testimony 🙂

    • Georgiana,

      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. 🙂 Yes, there is a definite relationship that is built with Jesus.

    • Ray,

      Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog and COMMENTING. I’m glad to hear that your a Christian as well. I hope you enjoy this movie if you take the chance to watch it.

  3. Hello, of course we love giveaways!!!

    Where is your source of giveaway? I would love to learn how you receive promotional items as I’m looking to do reviews for my own blog, thanks!

    • Rachel,

      Thanks for commenting. I have so many sources it would amaze you. I am going to get together a list of blogging books that have helped me on this journey together and put them in my newsletter this month. I had hoped to have it done already, but I guess there was a reason for my delay. Sign up for my newsletter. Each month, I’ll provide additional tidbits of the behind the scenes action of this blog. 🙂

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