The “Nice Stories” Amazon Digital Gift Card Giveaway – $25 x 3

I’ve been so blessed with the success of Tidbits of Experience, and it’s time for me to return the favor to my incredible readers.

So today I’m launching a little giveaway of a $25 digital Amazon gift card to three lucky people, selected at random. It’s not much, but you mean the world to me, and it’s my small way of giving back.

How to enter…

Leave me a comment below telling me the nicest thing someone has ever done for you.


  • Open to everyone.
  • Giveaway ends September 30th, 2019.
  • Winners will be chosen 24 hours later and emailed, so please use your proper email!

Run your own blog?

Share my giveaway with your readers and you’ll get an extra entry! Please make sure to mention this in your comment below.

If you’re looking for more great giveaways and sweepstakes, you can find them here.




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

18 comments on “The “Nice Stories” Amazon Digital Gift Card Giveaway – $25 x 3”

  1. I work in a Dr’s. office and twice in my 35 years there, two of the elderly patients have given me a piece of jewelry they were wearing after I complimented them on it. Both of these truly special women are now deceased, but they are not forgotten. Every time I wear the jewelry I can see both of them so clearly in my mind, remember their kindness and say a prayer for their souls. If someday someone compliments the jewelry that I have on, I will pay it forward and give the item to that person.

  2. After my divorce my brother came to my house for a visit. I had written a list of things I needed such as groceries, toiletries, and bills I had to pay. Without me knowing he took a picture of my list and took care of everything! Such a beautiful thing to do and I will never forget it!

  3. When my husband lost his job after 25 years and we use up all our savings. My best friends came over with groceries and help with our electric and water bill. It was a blessing we had no food and our electric and water were getting ready to be turned off.

  4. At work I went to get a snack and it started raining, I was waiting it out under an awning when a newbie at work pulled up and offered me a ride. He said he noticed I didn’t come back back after the rain started and he thought I might be stuck

  5. Cheering me up and spending time with me when I am down. I have had many family members and friends do this over the years.

  6. when we first met, my husband offered his coat in the cold, when I already had one and he had no other one

  7. I was driving through a store parking lot when a man pointed to my tire and said it looked flat. I parked the car and the tire was flat, he offered to change it for me and I was so grateful because I had my two children in the car and my husband was out of town.


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