The High Five Highlights Of My Week..

I don’t have pictures to prove all the wonderful events of my week. However, I will share my top five events that have really made my week something else.
1.) Monday, I started the UItimate Blog Challenge . (Of course, I don’t really have a problem blogging daily unless life gets so utterly hectic that I just don’t have time to do it.)
2.) Tuesday, I attempted to take the boys to the library only to have it closed. That was a huge let down because we LOVE the library. However, we went to Blockbuster and they had over 12 movies that we were interested in getting and since we are a part of their rewards program, we rent one get one free, and we have one out that we can exchange unlimited times throughout the month. So, we got 11 movies for $16.00 (a whole lot cheaper than going to the movie theatre now a days.) I did the review on the top movie of the week.
3.) Wednesday, I got to join a Twitter party. I’m getting pretty use to them and enjoying interacting with others. I do have a hard time keeping up with it though because I haven’t figured out the whole tweetgrid thing. I did go to the library. I loaded up on a bunch of books about blogging.
4.) Thursday, I had to take both boys to the dentist, and we spent most of the day there. Since Jimmy suffers with MAJOR gag reflux issues, we have to take him to a more trained dentist to get him treated for his cavities. We haven’t figured out how to help him brush his teeth properly without it causing  major issues.
5.) Friday, So far today has been a pretty good day. Jimmy is doing well with his school work. Delbert got his done in good order. Zeva took her first steps, but hasn’t attempted to go beyond one step yet. (She has tried it three times now.)




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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