Teaching Kids Teamwork EARLY

              Well, Del and I decided it was time for Jimmy and Delbert to step up their chore lists since they are older now, and we also have to juggle more with Zeva being a demanding baby at this point in her life. So now Jimmy is in charge of taking the trash out, cleaning off kitchen table when we’re done eating, changing clothes over from washer to dryer to laundry basket, and taking Peppermint out first thing in the morning. Delbert is charge of feeding and watering Peppermint first thing in the morning (he is co-owner of Peppermint), picking up big pieces of trash that ends up on the floor throughout our house (for some reason that always ends up happening and for the life of me I haven’t figured out how or why), and he took it upon himself to take Zeva into his room to entertain her every morning for about an hour to two hours (they have a relationship already that is rather cute.) Both of them are in charge of keeping their rooms cleaned up and beds made and putting their clothes away once I fold them for them. Of course, they have to take care of their own personal hygiene (brushing their teeth and taking baths.) When we all clean house together (which is usually once a week) they do whatever we assign them to do on that given day.
                It amazes me how much all of these little things have drastically made a huge difference in MY life. They feel they are BIG boys and actually at this point take a lot of pride in helping us. I know that it won’t always be the case and as they get older it’s going to be more of struggle to keep them on track. However, we definitely praise them for their hard work. Plus they do gain a small allowance (which some weeks they save it and other weeks they actually give it to us to add to the family fun day outings that we try to have each week.)
               We are no where close to gaining a routine yet with juggling everything that we’re juggling in our lives. However, we are doing the best we can to work together as a team to make it all work. Plus we don’t bicker at one another when something falls short of getting done. Currently we encourage one another to get things done, and do what we can to help each other. Those are traits that I hope they will take with them as they become adults and go into the work force.
                Life has been absolutely crazy lately. I’ve been doing more surveys (got some eyes on some gift cards that I’m close to earning with a couple of my programs.) I FINALLY got my Vampire Diaries in the mail today (well, some of them.) I’m hoping to get everything done by 8:30pm to start watching them. 🙂 I’m hoping that they aren’t as dark on the DVD verisons. 😉
                 Oh yea, if you want some free charts to use for your kids and keeping track of them doing their chores properly here’s a link : .

Do you give your kids chores to do to help out around the house???




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

2 comments on “Teaching Kids Teamwork EARLY”

  1. Great article. I definitely give our daughter chores. She has had them since she was a little girl, and they help her build responsibility and learn that there is a reward for work well done. I cannot imagine why anyone would not give their child chores to do. In a strange way, it show our children that we love them and want them to grow up well.

  2. My 4 year old does some things around the house, like feeds the cats, cleans her room, brushes her teeth, dresses herself, etc. We try to increase her responsibilities as she gets older and this is just about all she can handle!


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