My kids LOVE Math! Yet, there have been two areas so far that has been a struggle for us. The first issue was getting through fractions and percentages. The next issue has been getting kids to memorize their multiplying and dividing facts. That’s why I am glad we got the chance to review Sunya® – The Magic and Wonder of Math and Science Multiplying & Dividing from Sunya Publishing as a part of the Schoolhouse Review Crew.
About Sunya® – The Magic and Wonder of Math and Science Multiplying & Dividing

Sunya® – The Magic and Wonder of Math and Science Multiplying & Dividing is a game book designed for kids ages 9 to adult to help them with learning their multiplying and division facts through gameplay. This program comes with the book of games with directions, quotes, and facts. It also comes with sixty Sunya® playing cards.
Right now Sunya® products are brand new! They are still in the beginning stages of getting their business up and running.
Our Review
After thoroughly reading the directions throughout the book we finally had the chance to start playing these thirty games. Each game has some long directions to read and grasp, but once you do you find out how much fun these games can be. Each of the games has their own little twist and turns.
Considering I’m not one to enjoy reading long lists of rules and trying to REMEMBER them all in order to help my kids remember their math figures it was a bit overwhelming to me. It was far easier to treat these cards as flash cards that they had to get based on the luck of the draw.
We did, however, love solving the riddles together as a family. That part was a bit challenging , and a whole lot of fun. The facts and riddles are great conversation pieces to get the kids interested in learning more about challenging division equations too.
I like how they laid out the glossary section with the parts of the number sentence. That was a huge help in getting my kids to be able to physically see what they were working with.
Due to my love of quotes, I loved reading many of the famous quotes about math from well-known people. They added some pretty decent ones worth remembering to their book.
Considering my kids love to challenge each other with Math problems, they had fun sharing their Math “Magic” they learned with others too. It was fun having them try to remember their own bits of magic to stump someone else.
Although this product is not available just yet to order, I do still recommend you keeping an eye out for it when Sunya® Publishing produces it. Be sure to check out their website to learn more about this product as well as their Sunya – The Magic and Wonder of Math and Science Adding & Subtracting product.
Wouldn’t it be fun to use games as a way to help your kids learn these math skills?
Be sure and check out what the rest of the Schoolhouse Review Crew had to say about their Sunya® Publishing product by clicking on the image below.