We have been trying to incorporate more homeschooling board game action into our lives on a weekly routine. Luckily as our last review with the SchoolHouse Review Crew we got the chance to review Snake Oil from Out of the Box Games in exchange for an honest blog review.
Snake Oil Game is an interesting game to say the least. It’s unlike any game I’ve ever played before. It is recommended for players who are at least 10 years old to adult for good reason! In this game there is a buyer and the other two to eight players are the sellers trying to get the buyer to buy their crazy made up products. The person who manages to get the most people to buy their products wins the game.
Here is a short video review:
Our Snake Oil Educational Game Review
I tried to play this game with Zeva, Delbert, and Jimmy since they are the only kids I have. I originally planned on playing this game with Jimmy and my niece and nephew, but due to a family wide sickness we weren’t able to get together to play this game in time for this review. However, after playing this game I’m willing to bank money they are going to have a field day playing this game.
You never know what kind of buyer you’re going to get. The even trickier aspect of the game is not knowing what two items you have to put together and try to sell. As you seen in the video, you can end up with a Bacteria Alarm or some other strange combination, you, the seller, has to figure out why the buyer will want your item. You get to find out who the true Silver Tongue Devils are in your family when you play this game.
There are times when you get simple terms like “beach” and “ball” together or “love” and “lamp”. Then you get other times when you end up with “bra” and “spit” or “urge” and “soup.” It definitely is interesting to hear what the kids come up with to describe these made up items. This game leads to a lot of laughs and is a sure fire memory maker.
Educational Game Benefits of Snake Oil
As a homeschool teacher, I have to find ways to make learning fun for my kids because they don’t have fellow students to help make learning fun except for their siblings and since they are in different levels of learning that doesn’t happen a whole lot either. I can take these game pieces and use them as tools to teach my kids creative thinking, problem solving, and marketing. Not to mention, they make for good writing prompts for persuasive essays. All of those are quite beneficial skills for them to use in real life.
I could also use these cards to help prompt them to draw these items. Plus they also have to make poster boards for advertisements to try to get my attention. That would be a lot fun for everyone for sure.
The options with this game are actually pretty open. This game can be used for hours or even days’ worth of entertainment and educational game fun. You can gain all of this for $19.99.
You can find out more about this game and other games that Out of the Box Games has by visiting their website. You can also connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
Who on your list would love this educational game?
Be sure to check out my fellow SchoolHouse Review Crew’s Reviews of this game by clicking on the image.

So do tell who was the true Silver Tongue Devils in your family?? loli bet it was Zeva
I think in our house it’s hard to determine who has the best Silver Tongue Devil. I know we will know in a few years for sure. Zeva certainly does know how to get what she wants.
Crystal I am so intrigued by this game, Honestly! It is also very timely since this is the name of the game for online sellers.
You’re right this is the name of the game for online sellers. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.
Ooh! This game looks like a lot of fun! I might have a gift idea for my teenager this year!
This game is so much fun. It’s so simple, but yet it has so many possibilities.
Sounds like fun, but playing anything with a snake would freak me out!! Hope you guys continue to enjoy it! 🙂 #ibabloggers
It is a lot of fun. I hope that you will consider playing it despite the snake artwork.
What a fun game and a great way to have kids think of a creative story to go with their “product”.
This game looks great! I love the idea of getting them to make advertising posters for their ‘products’.
Sounds like fun, thanks for sharing on Good Morning Mondays. Blessings
This game is a lot of fun. There is just so much that can be done with this game beyond just want is suggested in the directions of the game.