Redefining Rules of Decorating: 5 Decor Rules You Should Break Today

Break the stereotypical design shackles about colour, style and matching, and watch your rooms come alive!

Ever since the beginning of time, homemakers (cave makers back then) have been running amok, finding resourceful items to decor their homes with. Each of us with a roof over the head (rented or ownership) would want to have the best interior decor to bask in. Functional and chic, eye catching in a positive way and sometimes, by breaking all rules too.

Heard about the famous Chinese saying, “If the old doesn’t go away, the new won’t come”? We just mentioned about breaking old rules, didn’t we? Today, let’s debunk the common home design myths and bring in new ideas to spruce our living areas with!

Old Rule: Always paint the smaller rooms with lighter colours.

We were always told on how to use light colours when painting our walls, and in turn have an illusion of more space for small homes created. However, some of us prefer not doing that anymore. Style and class over the light colours and shades have become the latest trend, and many homemakers don’t mind painting their homes a tad bit dark these days. With the help of a [easyazon_link identifier=”B002FYG63O” locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”tidbitofexp-20″ cart=”n” cloak=”y”]satin finish[/easyazon_link] or a paint that has semi-gloss features, the ‘reflective quality’ helps bounce the light to every nook and corner of the room. In the end, your room may be small but would look big and cosy!

Old Rule: Patterns and prints should not be placed together.

Bought a new rug for the home and it has plenty of monotone patterns or animal prints on it? We say lay it next to your other printed accent pieces to create a ‘print party’ look. Even if other furniture pieces around have prints embossed on them, a [easyazon_link identifier=”B00I0QV49M” locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”tidbitofexp-20″ cart=”n” cloak=”y”]patterned rug[/easyazon_link] with the right style and colour would easily fit in and make the room look cosy. For a cohesive touch, play with large patterns and small prints or vice-versa! Myth debunked yet again!

Old Rule: Something old and something new, should never mix eschew.

Where the old meets the new, the twain shall make the house a happy dwelling! A combo of the old and the new would work wonders, especially when you use epic pieces from a certain era with new age items. We say, liberally embrace those gorgeous relics from years gone by. Do check out some exquisite home accents and decor items at And, by using coupon codes on bedding and furniture, you can be sure to add a visually appealing ultra-modern decor scheme to your abode!

Old Rule: Wallpaper is for walls only.

A myth that has been passed down from one generation to the next! But in actuality, there are many smart and very innovative homemakers who have done wonders using wallpaper to decorate the doors, drawers, storage spaces and wall cabinets, and leaving the walls to be dolled up with plastic emulsion paints. What you get is a bespoke range of chic and colourful looking furniture.

Old Rule: An overhead light in each room.

We love chandeliers and we love the hanging dim lights, but when it comes to the use of overhead lights in each room, do we really need one per room? For sure the overhead light would be the centre of focus when well places, or else they cause shadows around and irritation to the eyes. Set the mood with [easyazon_link identifier=”B00XLAUETI” locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”tidbitofexp-20″ cart=”n” cloak=”y”]multiple spotlights[/easyazon_link] around the room, instead of one big giant crystal embellishment hanging in the middle of the room! Debunk the myth on the use of overhead lights per room, like a pro.

The cardinal sin of breaking house decor rules has begun, and now the DIY approach is being taken by most who are nonchalant and ready to unlearn what was taught or told to them by the many experts out there. You are an individual and as a homemaker, it is your right to express your creativity and style, in your own way. Go right ahead and do just that!

What old rule have you broken? 



Home Improvement

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

22 comments on “Redefining Rules of Decorating: 5 Decor Rules You Should Break Today”

  1. Many new homes don’t provide overhead lights in the bedrooms anymore now too. I am thinking of painting our small bathroom a dark color to close it in and be cozy.

    • I love the newer updated way that homes are built now. I think a bedroom should have dark colors in it. It makes a person sleep better too.

  2. I definitely break the old and new rule. I love clean, modern lines paired with barn wood and rusty accessories. Or throw in a barn door and old wheel rollers. Love it!

    • I’m a huge fan of wood and rusty accessories. You definitely have my interest with the barn door and old wheels rollers. I’d love to see pictures of it all. I’m a country girl through and through!

  3. I love overhead lighting and have one in each room. I really think the rules are what you like and what makes you smile and feel proud of your home. I like following some rules for decorating but overall, I always create a space that makes us feel warm and fuzzy and is home at the end of the day.

    • I completely agree with you that a person’s taste in design is truly unique. I LOVE all the different things Del does with our house with the pallets. To someone else, they probably think it’s just junk.

  4. There is only one rule I follow when decorating my home. I decorate with only pieces I love and it all seems to come together. Great post Crystal.

    • In my house due to the way it’s made the overhead lights are perfect. However, if I was in a different style house I can see your point completely! I love modern homes and their new designs.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  5. Good tips! I thought the trend now was to paint rooms in bright whites, or with a tint of grey. I painted my bedroom a darker colour but I think I’m going to re-paint it light again.

    • I think the trend changes so much it’s hard to keep up with it all. I like light colors myself a lot, but I can see the value behind darker colors.

  6. I would have never thought to use wallpaper on anything other than walls! Also good to know that you don’t HAVE TO paint small rooms in light colours! Thanks for joining the Link-It To Me Link Party, I hope you will party with us again next week! Pinning 🙂

    • I think wallpaper has so many uses that most people don’t think about. I’m glad you found this information helpful. Thank you so much for pinning it too.

    • That’s ironic that I painted my first home office hunter green and now it’s a bedroom for my oldest son.

      I bet it looked amazing. Thank you for sharing your design techniques. I’m glad you came by. I hope to see you again soon.

  7. As an interior design junkie, this post is EVERYTHING! Haha seriously – I love these tips!!! Thanks for joining the Link-It To Me Link Party, I hope you will party with us again next week!
    xo Adriana
    Daily Dose of Design

    • There’s nothing wrong with being a pattern mixer! 🙂 I like to see what people put together. It makes life fun and entertaining.

      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

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