Perfect Magazine for Homeschooling Families

I was given the chance to review The Old Schoolhouse Magazine in exchange for an honest blog review. That in no way shaped my opinion of this product. 

 Every homeschool parent is always unsure if they are using the right materials, signed up for the right programs, and forever seeking ways to make their lives better. We homeschool our children because we want to ensure they receive the best education that they possibly can get. This is where the  The Old Schoolhouse Magazine comes in handy for every homeschool family that are teaching kids in all age groups.

Find Products for Homeschooling Families

This magazine advertises all of the latest homeschool products from curriculum, tutoring services, planners, and so much more. They also provide ways in which a person can do homeschooling without spending a bunch of money. For me personally, that’s a huge benefit because I definitely do not have a lot of funds floating around. I know many other families who have given up an income in order to be able to homeschool their kids are also in the same boat.

Savings Galore for Homeschooling Families

Speaking of saving money, this magazine is also filled with loads of discount codes to many places. A person is able to save money on vacation locations, gifts, and many other common items by being a proud subscriber of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. Plus you get to know about homeschooling Expos in advance so that you can take advantage of the discounted pricing that is offered for early bird buyers.

It also gives quality content that is interesting to the lives of homeschooling families. I love the fact that it also has articles about issues that are common to homeschool students and parents. One of the articles that stood out to me most from the issue that I reviewed was the “Learning to Love Solitude and Silence.” I felt this article is one that can actually speak to anyone who wants to teach their kids the value of building a personal relationship with God.

It’s For More Than Homeschooling Families

Not all articles are about homeschool, there are also written pieces that a typical magazine reader would enjoy reading. An example of that is the article called “History in the Baking and Eating.”  Anyone who loves to eat and cook treats of any kind would appreciate reading this wonderfully written article.

Another added benefit is that I can read The Old Schoolhouse Magazine on the go on my husband’s iPhone, my Kindle Fire or Samsung Galaxy Note, or on my laptop using their TOS Apps. This makes it so when I’m stuck waiting in doctor’s offices or other mundane locations, I can be educating myself and reading things of value. Plus I also have the ability to get my kids input on some possible additions/changes to our curriculum.

As a blogger though, I’m personally pleased to see many of their written pieces come from fellow bloggers. I love to do what I can to support my fellow bloggers. I get to go to their websites and make a connection with these other homeschool parents because I already know a bit about them thanks to the magazine. I love having the added connections on this homeschooling journey because it is definitely a huge benefit.

You can find out more about The Old Schoolhouse Magazine on their website. You can connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and YouTube.

What is your favorite resource for homeschool products? 



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Homeschooling, Product Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

58 comments on “Perfect Magazine for Homeschooling Families”

  1. How great that there is a magazine out there to help parents be the best at homeschooling that they can be. It wasn’t always that way. Kind of cool that other bloggers have written for this magazine.

    • I totally agree that it is awesome that other bloggers write some of the content for magazines.

      I can remember when homeschooling wasn’t popular. I’m so utterly glad that is almost becoming the norm again.

    • That is definitely a great resource for books. It’s nice to meet someone who home schooled before it was cool to do it. Do you have any tips you’d like to share with us?

    • That is definitely a selling point for me. Most of my reading is done on my Kindle Fire or now my Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0. I still love the feel of real books, but it’s more convenient for me to read them on the tablets.

  2. I used to subscribe to TOS- I even wrote an article for them when we were traveling in our RV with my husband’s job. My boys’ have since graduated and my daughter is a sr. My homeschool days are coming to an end.

    • I can’t imagine my homeschool days coming to an end. It feels like it’s so far away. I’ve got one first grader and a little girl who hasn’t even started school yet.

  3. I am just starting to learn the ropes of home schooling. There is so much to learn, I will check this out hopefully it can help.

    • What method are you using for homeschooling your kids? I have written many pieces about homeschooling on my blog. I also don’t mind helping you out in any way I can. I’m an email away.

    • Doesn’t it make life easier when you can read on the go without having to remember to bring the reading material?? I didn’t grasp the concept behind ebooks until my husband got me my Kindle Fire. Now, I’m totally utterly hooked on them.

  4. I don’t homeschool, but a good friend of mine does, so I will have to check in with her and see if ths knows about this.

    • Your friend would greatly benefit from getting this subscription as a Christmas gift. She’s sure to love and appreciate it.

  5. You seem to have so much over there for Home Schooling – I have to admit I think home school would have suited me a lot better – I was home schooled for my final year and I felt so much more at ease than in a large classroom. x

    • My boys don’t want to go to any other type of school. They have both made it abundantly clear that they love being taught at home despite the obstacles they have to deal with from it. (Like having family interrupt us, having a fussy sister being very distracting at times, and at times having technical issues.)

      I wish I had been homeschooled myself because it would have made my life better too. However, my mom would have never considered it in a million years because she barely wanted me around as it is.

  6. Would have loved to have a copy of Old School House magazine when I was homeschooling. Love that there is a resource for the parent educator. My kid is 16 and just finishing up his first semester in nursing school, homeschoolers rock.

    • Love your feedback. We do ROCK! 🙂 I love that we are gaining more resources with each passing day. Homeschooling is becoming the way to go.

  7. Sometimes I wish I had the patience to home school my kids, but I frustrate easily lol. My neighbor does home school her kids. I will have to recommend this magazine to her.

    • Sounds like you should be homeschooling then. It really is a lot of fun. There are rough days but the good days definitely out weigh the bad ones.

    • Shh…don’t tell anyone..I don’t normally read a lot of magazines either. I have a HUGE stack of magazines that I go through, and if there is an article in it that I find makes for a good blog post I write about it. (Usually it’s in the controversial manner.)

  8. I have a very large stack of magazines that I need to read. I’m sure i’m not alone on this fact.. but as a homeschool tool, I’d have to say I am loving our new Kleen Slate board. My daughter is able to use it and practice her letters with the ease of wiping it off and starting again!

    • That is definitely a helpful tool for sure. Any time a kid can practice writing over and over without it cost a bunch of money in supplies all the better.

    • It honestly depends on your kids ages as to whether or not you can really afford to homeschool them. You may be able to make it happen.

  9. I don’t really know much about homeschooling but I find the whole concept fascinating. I have a close friend who just started homeschooling and is looking for resources and so I will pass this information on.

    • This is definitely a great resource to pass along to her. You could always get her a subscription for a Christmas present.

  10. You seem to have more over there for homeschooling we do have some here but not as much,i have to admit if my kiddies told me they want to be taught at home i would much prefer that 🙂
    Thank you for sharing this.

    • My kids were given no choice the first time, and then after they had the chance to compare between homeschooling and public/private schools they were quick to say they loved homeschooling. Now they beg and plea for me to continue teaching them.

    • You’re welcome. I’m always available for questions too. I have many wonderful suggestions that you may want to look at in my homeschool section.

    • I can’t imagine not homeschooling my kids now. Although, there are days I wish I could ship them off to school. Then they do something remarkable to remind me why I’m glad we do it.

  11. I do not homeschool my children but it is good to know they do have a magazine out there for those that do.

    • Well, at least you can tell your friends about it who do homeschool. You can even ask them what they think about it if they know about it already.

  12. Thank you for this in depth review. I’ve seen this magazine before and wondered if it would be worth reading. We homeschooled last year and aren’t this year, but I am always still looking for good resources to use with my kids.


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