Outdoor Activities for Kids that Never Go Out of Fashion

There are certain outdoor kids’ activities that will always stand the test of time. Many of the most popular outdoor activities are simple in nature but have the potential to entertain a child for many hours at a time. These activities are also a healthier option than many other types of modern ways to entertain the younger members of the family. These are some of the most popular outdoor activities for kids that never go out of fashion.


Almost every child has had a bike of some description. It’s a valuable gift many parents give their kids when they’re young. However, many kids don’t use this form of transport enough. Cycling has many health benefits and is an activity anyone can do. It’s something many people carry on doing in adult life. There are certain precautions you should take with this kids’ activity. Once you ensure that your child uses the appropriate protective equipment and cycles in safe places, this activity can entertain them for many hours each week.


Nature Walks

It’s important to introduce kids to the natural world at an early age. Kids are fascinated when they see the various animals and plants freely available to see in our world. Most places are close to some natural area such as a nature trail, park, beach, river, lake, mountain or hill. Each of these natural features includes its own natural habitat that’s just waiting to be explored by younger people.

Remote Control Toys

Kids and adults alike get a certain sense of excitement when they use these types of toys. They’re also the perfect excuse to spend time outside in the fresh air. Remote controlled cars, trucks, boats, planes and helicopters are extremely popular, giving kids and their parents many hours of enjoyment. Once again, care should be taken with these types of toys because they can be dangerous to operate.

Roller Skating

Roller skating is one of the most basic, yet most enjoyable outdoor activities for young members of the family. Kids, in particular, love skating. Over the years, a wide range of skates has been developed. These products are available from online stores like www.skates.co.uk/ and come in a wide range of styles, colours,and sizes.

Various accessories and safety equipment products are also available to ensure the safety of your child while they take part in this enjoyable activity. Helmets, protective gloves, knee pads, mouth guards and spare wheels are just some of the additional products you can purchase to make your child’s skating experience safer and more enjoyable.


Scooters are another favourite with kids who want to do outdoor activities. Like roller skates, these products have evolved over the years. There are many different styles available to suit all tastes and requirements.

Kids have many different outdoor activities to choose from. Some are more popular than others. The activities mentioned here are some of the most popular and give your child the perfect reason to spend more time outside, rather than being stuck indoors all of the time.

What is your child’s favourite outdoor activity?




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

13 comments on “Outdoor Activities for Kids that Never Go Out of Fashion”

    • That sounds like a lot of fun for the family. Skating is a great hobby to have.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  1. Great ideas!! My son, though, being a “gamer” would tell me that he didn’t want to do any of them. I sure miss those days when these things were important to him!! I still love those activities, though! 🙂 #HomeMattersParty

    • My kids are “gamers” too. However, I still manage to convince them to get outside a good bit too. How much longer it’s going to last, I honestly couldn’t tell you though.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  2. I was an ice skater, so I spent many, many hours a day at the rink. But at home, I loved riding my bike, roller skating, and the swings at the playground. Fun post! Thanks for sharing and co-hosting at the #HomeMattersParty – we appreciate you! 🙂

    Life With Lorelai

  3. My son loves roller skating outside. My daughter loves chalk. Both are fun for me to watch them do! My favorite is cycling-we go for family bike rides!

  4. Great ideas for getting kids outside – my kids loved the trampoline. We got one that had the safety net around it so they could jump to their hearts content. Thanks for sharing this with us at the #HomeMattersParty

  5. I agree with you! I loved remote control cars as a kid, and my son has the same infatuation. These are really fun activities for kids and even adults. Nice work! Thanks for the ideas!

  6. Great list of outdoor activities! There are so many things kids do inside now it’s hard to find stuff they want to do outside. RC cars is a fun thing almost every kid enjoys. Thanks for putting this together!

  7. I wouldn’t agree more with your list of games. I’m a single dad to extremely active twin boys. I just can’t seem to be able to satisfy their appetite for outdoor games. They just learnt how to roller skate and now my first aid kit has to always be on the kitchen counter! Thank you for this lovely list.


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