Old Fashioned Movie Review

I have had my eye on the [easyazon_link identifier=”B00UEM9TY2″ locale=”US” tag=”tidbitofexp-20″]Old Fashioned[/easyazon_link] since I saw the very first preview of it. When Flyby Promotions offered me the chance to review in exchange for an honest blog review I jumped. I have stressed repeatedly how I feel sex is something that a couple should wait on having until marriage, but this movie does more than express it. It shows the actual effects of waiting until marriage to have sexual relations of any kind. Ironically, I had just got done reading an erotic series only because the storyline behind the couple’s relationship reeled me in. I had the chance to compare both relationship styles back to back.

As a result, I was able to be reminded of my own personal relationship with Del. Del and I did NOT wait until marriage to have sex. However, there are many times I wish I could say that I was a virgin when I got married. The fact that we had sex before marriage did NOT make our relationship any better. IF anything it’s added to the complications we had in the beginning of our marriage.

As I was reading the erotic series (now that I’m more involved in reading my Bibles and also reading and watching movies based on those principles) it didn’t feel the same as it had in the past. I LITERALLY scrolled through the erotic scenes because I didn’t need to read them. I didn’t miss anything by not reading those scenes. I left those books feeling like they had built a lusty relationship and not a love relationship.

That’s part of the reason why it took me so long to fully believe that I did in fact love Del. Our sexual chemistry has always been strong with each other. To this day, it still hasn’t died. However, it’s hard to imagine that we could honestly be in love with each other because we are polar opposites in so many ways. Yet, at the heart of us, we have many things that keep us connected.

I told you all of that to stress why I feel the [easyazon_link identifier=”B00UEM9TY2″ locale=”US” tag=”tidbitofexp-20″]Old Fashioned movie[/easyazon_link] is one worth watching. Old Fashion is based on the principle of getting to know your mate prior to having any physical relations. After having to deal with the fact that my husband’s health has steadily declined over the past two years, I see the value in being your future spouse’s friend first. Sex is NOT always going to be an important part of your marriage and it won’t always be the glue that holds it together. Love is the official glue!

Throughout this movie, you can see the couple’s relationship slowly progressing. I’m impressed by the way that they have stuck to the plan of being ‘old fashion’ in their dating lifestyle. I firmly believe that in real life if you were to follow their guidelines that you’d gain a relationship that will last a lifetime. I’ve seen it first hand with my adoptive grandparents. I hope that many teenagers and adults will take this into serious consideration while they are dating.

Does [easyazon_link identifier=”B00UEM9TY2″ locale=”US” tag=”tidbitofexp-20″]Old Fashioned[/easyazon_link] sound like a movie you’d like to see?


PS: Now you can enter to win the entire Old Fashioned Movie SET in this giveaway



Entertainment, Movie Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

56 comments on “Old Fashioned Movie Review”

  1. That sounds like a great movie night movie. I would love to kick back with a bowl of popcorn and watch this.

  2. I watched this movie too! It was very sweet. I like the fact that they did talk about their past sexual relationships and how Clay had changed his views of women after he began to know God more. Women should be respected!

  3. that sounds like a movie I want to see. My boyfriend is my best friend. We hold no ill will towards each other for prior relationships or experiences. We both wish we would of met 10 years prior.

    • It’s funny how we wish could have met “The One” for us many years earlier prior to our mistakes. However, those relationships are the reason why we appreciate the ones we’re in.

    • They really aren’t in the grand scheme of things. The longer I’m married the more I see the truth behind that principle.

  4. To be honest, I never heard of it until now. It definite sounds like a great movie to watch. I’ll have to see if I can locate it . Thanks for your suggestion.

  5. I have not heard of this movie yet. It sounds fantastic. I will have to watch it with my girlfriends.

  6. I’m a bit of an old fashioned person. I think this movie is made for me because I could really use more of this!

  7. I haven’t heard about this movie much. I blog a lot, and I don’t watch many movies as I don’t have a lot of free time. This movie seems like a cool one though – I may give it a shot!

    • I usually watch a lot of movies with my ears as I’m working. My husband just rearranged my livingroom so that I could work and watch at the same time with ease.

  8. I haven’t heard of this movie at all. It is definitely I will have to check into. My husband and I are kind of old fashion. I would love to see how it relates to our lives! Thanks for sharing!

    • I’d be interesting in hearing how it does too, if you’re up to sharing. Since you’re old fashioned too I believe you’ll appreciate this movie a good bit.

  9. I have some old fashioned/traditional values but for the most part I’m more of a live and let live kind of person. That said, I might be interested in this movie.

    • I appreciate your stand point, and have lived with that mentality for many years in my life. I hope you take the time to check out this movie.

  10. Sex really can’t be what holds people together, that’s for sure. When someone gets ill or life changes, whatever, you have to have a true bond that holds you together. Sounds like a good flick.

    • I’m so glad to hear that this movie interests you. I have many other movie suggestions similar to this line up on my blog.

  11. Thanks for sharing your thoughts from a Christian perspective. I love movies but it’s so helpful to hear someone else’s opinion first.

  12. i have never heard of this movie but it sounds fantastic! I’m going to have to give it a watch one of these days!

  13. This sounds interesting. I think sex can complicate so many other issues. Once sex is involved, everything changes and not always for the better.

  14. This sounds like a good movie with good values (not the norm these days). Sex is such a tough topic in marriage anyway. Each couple has their own challenges, and sex is very important in marriage and must not be cast aside. However, when health issues arise, it complicates every area, sex included (I’ve been there too). Therein lies were commitment and yes, LOVE, steps up.
    Thanks for sharing about the movie on Mom’s Morning Coffee, I’m your neighbor!

    • Ruthie,

      I couldn’t have said it better. I agree 110% with you. I’m currently in those trenches right now.
      Thanks for hosting the wonderful link up. Glad you came by to visit and comment neighbor.

  15. I am not one that waited (I’m not even married…yikes!), but I know that whilst sex is still a highly important aspect in our relationship, it is not the be all and end all. Us as a team, us looking after our child, and us mostly having to put dinner or sleep ahead of sex, proves that we still survive without it! Really thought provoking post here. Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday


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