Mathletics Online Math Program Review

We received the chance to review Mathletics from 3P Learning as a part of the SchoolHouse Review Crew in exchange for an honest blog review. That in no way shaped my opinion of this program.  

Mathletics Online Math Review

I have stressed repeatedly that my boys LOVE Math. Math to them is a fairly easy subject and they literally quiz each other all the time even for FUN. However, I don’t ever want them to get to the point that they just get big heads and feel like they don’t have to study or continue to use their knowledge. At one point in my life I was faster at doing figures than you could put them in a calculator.

Mathletics Online Math Review

Then I got what I call “math lazy disease.”  I don’t want my kids to obtain this disease. I want them to remember that they can rely on their brains to remember and use a lot of things they learn. That way if they are in a store they don’t need to carry any additional gadgets or tools with them. They have one of the best tools God already invented with them. I can’t tell you the amount of money I earned growing up by proving I was faster than someone using a calculator. I loved the feeling I gained by doing that, and I want the same for my kids.

Mathletics is a wonderful program because it helps install this fine art into my kids. It is a program that is designed to be a supplement to the curriculums you already use. It includes “well over 1200 individual adaptive practice activities.” This program is designed for kids from their early years all the way up until they are done with twelfth grade. I personally think that as adults it’s a great way to be able to challenge our kids too.

To quote Jimmy, “I love Mathletics because its math and fun and you earn points for doing things.” Delbert’s opinion, “I enjoy playing on Mathletics because I enjoy the activities that I get to do. I love that I can earn points to buy things that make my character look cooler.”

As a parent, I have the ability to track how they are doing on all of the common core Math aspects. I receive weekly emails on how well my kids have done. In those reports it tells me the amount of points they’ve earned. I get to know what certificates they received. Plus I know how much time they spent in Mathletics each week down to the minute. I get a break down of the things they’ve done and their scores too. It comes in handy with assigning his new work load for his school week too.

The parent section also comes with a lot of printable workbooks for various topics that I can print out and use for each child. I personally have enough workbooks floating around my house right now, but it is something that I may use throughout the coming school year in areas that the boys may show signs of struggling through. This is a nice thing to have one hand when your child needs extra help with math or extra busy work in between assignments.

This Online math program can be used on a computer. You can also download a variety of Mathletics apps for many different devices too. Some of these apps can be used without Internet access too. I have tried out a few of them already and the kids loved it. Their favorite is the Times Tables Toons which was to be expected since they love anything to do with music.

There is so much more to this program it’s totally amazing the amount of benefits that you and your child gain for only $59 per student at its current price. They do also offer family discount pricing too.

You can gain more information about Mathletics by visiting their website. You can also find out more about it by visiting their Facebook, Google+, YouTube, LinkedIn and Twitter pages.

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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