Mary Lambert Heart On My Sleeve Review

I participated in the Mary Lambert Heart On My Sleeve album review program as a member of One2One Network. I was provided a free album to review but all opinions are my own. 

Heart on My Sleeve is a CD that is filled with songs about Mary Lambert’s life in a sense. Just about every song on this CD has a special meaning for her. ““Heart On My Sleeve” is a dusky love song that Lambert chose as the title track because she felt it summed up how she approached writing the lyrics on the album.” When I listen to this song, I am reminded of the day I met Del, and how he opened up something in me that I couldn’t explain. I just knew he was the one I had to have! It has a nice beat to it without over riding the words of the song. It honestly was one of my favorite songs on this CD.

Mary Lambert Heart On My Sleeve Review

I also enjoyed “Sum Of Our Parts”. The beat of this song really reeled me in completely. I love the fact that the message of this song is that we the only ones who can save ourselves. I do believe God can heal us, but he can only do it if we put forth the effort to do it.

“Secrets” is an awesome song! It definitely sounds like the typical family in our world right now. I know I have many family members who are bi-polar (there is still a debate about whether or not I am.) I am overweight. I have spent half of my life having to hide secrets just to survive. Now I don’t care one bit if the world knows my secrets are! I’m FREE of them! I NEVER live a lifestyle that I have to have secrets again. (If that day comes then I don’t need to be living in that type of environment.)

There are a few songs on this CD that I don’t like all that much, but I will refrain from saying which ones they are because I don’t want to shape your opinion of them. They are songs that are quite depressing to listen to. When I listened to them on the drive home from Columbia it took everything I had to not fall asleep.

You can purchase this CD for yourself on iTunes. You can also purchase it on Amazon for $13.98 if you have Prime. You can gain more information about this CD by checking out Mary Lambert’s website. You can connect with Mary Lambert on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Which Mary Lambert song is your favorite?




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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