Making Money From Home

There is a WIDE range of ways to make money from home! A person truly could turn almost any passion they have into an income maker. I have been making money from home for four years now. The more time I spend online the more ways I find to make even more money. I have a long list of things I’m planning on diving into feet first when we get our unlimited Internet in 2016 that have had to sit on the back burner because I haven’t had the Internet strong enough to do it. I am excited to have the chance to share some ways to earn extra income from home for yourself. Hopefully, these ideas will help you make more money in 2016 for you and your family.

Making Money from Home Is Easier Than You Think

Start a Blog

The latest trend has become starting a blog to make money. Many people think this is a get-rich-quick type of thing, but I’ll be the first to say it’s NOT!! There are numerous costs of running a blog online, like renting web hosting servers, domain registration, etc. Of course, there are a few free web hosting services, but pretty much all of them have some limitations on your website. It’s a good place to start, though, because you can get the feel of having a blog before putting any big money into it.

You make money blogging by:

Selling Ads

Affiliate Marketing

Sponsored Posts

Selling Your Own Products

This is a small example of how you can make money with your blog. There are plenty more ways that can be added to this list! These are just the primary ways.

Work as a Virtual Assistant

Be a virtual assistant for bloggers.

There are a lot of tasks that go into running a blog smoothly that a reader does NOT see. Every big blogger I know has 2 or more virtual assistants that work for them. They pay their virtual assistants anywhere from 10.00-25.00 (sometimes more) an hour to handle these small but vital tasks. (Some bloggers offer internships in exchange for learning these skills, which usually leads to full-time income for a virtual assistant. The more traffic and money a blogger makes, the more they NEED a virtual assistant.)

Some of the Tasks Bloggers Outsource:

Handling Social Media Management – It’s vital that a blogger is active on social media accounts. However, they can’t always be around to manage it. So, they hire someone else to schedule content for them or even post things on their behalf to show some activity on their social media accounts. We use a WIDE range of programs to help make our lives easier, but it’s still time-consuming to even use those programs.

Getting/Creating Images – If you are good at editing photos using an online photo editor or even taking photos, you could be making a killing doing that for bloggers. There are many more bloggers like me that aren’t photo savvy and hire someone to create those stunning images you see on their blog posts.

Doing Backend Activities on Websites – If you’re tech-savvy and have web design/coding skills, plenty of bloggers seek help fixing their issues on their blogs.

Become a Website Designer– We’re ALWAYS on the hunt for a solid website designer. Even if you just want to make headers and logos for bloggers, there’s a strong need for that.

Be a virtual assistant for companies.

MANY companies hire virtual assistants. You can work as a customer service agent both via phone or online chat for them.

Start Your Own Business

You can start a business based on your own personal interests and skill sets. We have a local family business that recycles pallets, plastic, and cardboard. You can also use these five smart ways to make money on the side. You can make your own crafts and sell them on if you’re crafty. If you don’t know where to start with that, be sure to check out this free Etsy class.

Earn Money Doing Small Tasks

There are many ways to earn easy small bits of money online. Of course, all of those ways to do add up. This is where I started earning money online. Then I figured there had to be a better way, but sometimes you only have time to do the small things. These sites will help you earn money by making purchases online, using their search engines, and answering simple one-question polls. Plus, you can do surveys and earn even more money faster.

Sites Get Extra Money Doing Small Things:


Amazon Mechanical Turk

TopCashBack – This site offers up some amazing deals from time to time. Be sure to check it out.






You can earn money doing a wide range of other things, including using apps on your phone/tablet, but I’m not overly skilled. There is also a long list of other ideas that one can use to make money online. Be sure to follow my Pinterest board because as I find them, I’ll be sure to share them there too.

What are some ways you’ve found to make money from home?




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

24 comments on “Making Money From Home”

  1. OHHH MY GOSH!!! I couldn’t agree more! I make the majority of my side hustle money from survey sites, which are kinda a favourite of mine! Some months I make a LOT other months not so much. One key detail about any of this is it’s not a get rich quick kinda deal!

    • I’m glad you are having success with making money from home too. I agree some months it’s not worth it to do surveys, but for the most part it is.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  2. That’s a nice, comprehensive list of ways to start making money from home. I like that you pointed out that blogging isn’t get rich quick. I suspect there are many “five year overnight success stories”. 😀 I followed your Making Money Pinterest board and then decided that I’d just follow you in general. I look forward to reading your tidbits. Thank you so much for sharing this with us in the Blogger’s Pit Stop and we hope to see you next week.
    – Marie, Blogger’s Pit Stop crew

    • Marie,

      Thank you for hosting the Blogger’s Pit Stop Crew. I’m glad to see you came by today and decided to follow me on Pinterest. You’re so right that blogging is definitely not a get rich quick process.

      I hope to see you again soon too.

  3. Thanks for the list! I hadn’t heard of some of these! Thanks for being a fun cohost on the Small Victories Sunday Linkup! 🙂

  4. I started my blog because 1) I like to write. 2) I want to help promote health to women. I want all women to stop waiting for the white coat cure and start taking charge of their own health and 3) to help promote my health coaching business. Really though it is a labor of love.

  5. Great information! I know so many people who would love to be able to work from home but don’t even know where to start, this is so useful!

    Thank you for sharing with us at #MommyMeetupMondays!

  6. This is a really helpful article. I’m always so impressed with people who are actually making money online. 🙂 I’m so glad you shared this at Booknificent Thursday on this week!

  7. These are fantastic ideas! It seems like being a VA is the way to go, if you have the extra time! Thanks for co-hosting the #SmallVictoriesSundayLinkup with me!

  8. Great information. I have been thinking about exploring the Virtual Assistant opportunities out there. I need to check out your resources.

    Looking forward to hosting the #HomeMattersParty with you

  9. I just monetized my blog during the last three months of last year, and I have been very pleased with my success so far. It does take a lot of work to get it all going and trying to keep things coming in (I’ve been doing sponsored posts). This is a fantastic list of resources. Thanks for sharing with us at the #HomeMattersParty 🙂

    Life With Lorelai

  10. What a great list! I love making photos and adding graphics, but honestly have no idea where to start in promoting my ability to do that work. I’ll have to look into it. Thank you for sharing at #mommymeetupmondays!

    • I sent you a personal email in regards to this comment. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. 🙂 I hope to see you again soon.

    • Thank you for checking it out. I hope you gained something of value.

      Thank you for commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  11. Great list! I hope I get to a point where I can work at home full-time! I think a lot of standard jobs will go that route in the coming years anyhow…a lot of customer service jobs now are work-at-home jobs, and when we have snow days at work, we just forward our phones to our cell phones because there is pretty much nothing we can’t do at home that we do at the office…I can’t wait! But it also scares me a little…social situations are becoming increasingly more difficult, even around family! All anyone wants to do is stay on their phone all the time!

  12. Thanks for the tips! I have been blogging for almost three years. I began my blog as a means of informing people about adoption and the struggles adopted children may face. Now I am looking into ways to make some money off my blog and your tips will be helpful. By the way, I found your blog on the R&R Linky party

    • I’m glad you found my blog.Adoption is a very near and dear topic to myself as well.
      Good luck on my making money with your blog. If you have questions feel free to ask. 😉

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  13. Thanks for sharing. This is so valuable. I’m glad that you mention blogging is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes a lot of work and a workable strategy. But, a blog can be turned into a viable business. Just that it takes time. But, it’s do-able.


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