Make Time For Your Family 17 Month Planner

As the holidays start to roll in I get busier. I need all the organization I can get my hands on. My blogging life gets hectic and our family life becomes more eventful. After all fall is my favorite time of the year to do more family friendly activities with the kids too. That’s why I was thrilled with the chance to review this Family_Time.Mine 17-month planner.

This planner is very well made. It gives lots of room for writing down events and activities for each day. This planner comes complete with the ability to write out a master schedule for each season of the year right down to the hour. For me personally, this section comes in handy with giving my kids their schedules for being in their live classes and group events. Plus if we have family events to add that never change throughout the season we can put that information there too.

Then for each month, you have a two page month section. These double pages are great for getting an overview of the events you have planned for the month. This comes in really handy during the fall season for me because I try to take the kids to as many fall events as I can squeeze in. Last year, we were double booked and that became an issue.

For each week, there is a page dedicated to the days of the week. On each side of the days of the week page, there is a section for lists (whether you use it for grocery, to-do list, etc.) At the bottom of the list is a section for sticky pad notes. I love the double day pages the most because I can write my family to-do list on there. It’s nice to be able to transfer the lists from the planner’s sticky note right into my pockets as I head out the door to town.

At the end of this planner is a notes page for all of those notes that you may need to remember for the coming year that’s not a part of the planner. There is two pages for family business contact information for almost every type of business relationship a family may have from the accountant to the veterinarian. Then you have two pages for a mini address book to cover your close friends and work relationship information. There is even a page for your kid’s friend’s phone numbers. The last important page is the Important Babysitter Information page that lets your babysitter have everything right at their fingertips. There is another notes page too at the end.

Now there are two really neat things I like about this planner. The first thing is at the top of each week there is a section to fill in when you’re going to have “family time this week:” For me that’s a constant reminder each week to schedule in time with JUST my family without any other distractions from school, work, or other obligations. That one little box is at the TOP of each week’s page. That’s why I feel this planner can help families make a deliberate effort to be there with their family in some form or fashion.

The other neat thing is for each week there is an inspirational quote. I’ve made it known from the very first blog post I’ve ever written my love of quotes. This book gives me a new one to hang onto each week. I LOVE it. One of the ones that made me really smile and ponder on for a week was:

[Tweet ” A person’s success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have. By: Tim Ferriss”]

The Family_Time.Mine  Planner is typical to other planners, but it has those little extra features that just set it apart. I highly recommend any mother who is a juggler like me to grab one. This particular planner is only $24.99.

Dot Mine Day Planners has plenty of other planners for you to check out at reasonable rates on their website. You can also connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, and Pinterest.

What kinds of things would you like to see added in your family planner if you could customize one?

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.



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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

26 comments on “Make Time For Your Family 17 Month Planner”

    • If I was on the go more than what I am again, I’d totally agree with you. However, for me I’m home all the time so I like having the ability to still use pen and paper. (Of course, I also still hand write letters every weekend too.)

    • We have Movie Tuesdays here, board game Wednesday and Sunday video game day (or watching movies sometimes that we didn’t get to watch on Tuesdays.)

    • I’m a planner addict too. I can never have to many. I have my eyes on another blogger planner, but I can’t afford to get it yet.

    • It is a really good planner. I love that it gives a constant reminder at the beginning of each new week to make time for the family.

  1. I am seriously a Planner Nerd and I actually have several for different goals I’m trying to reach– I’m all about Family Time so I think this is an awesome idea. I wish we’d all step back a bit to see the bigger picture so we’d all realize how important making that time for our family really is.

  2. That’s such an awesome planner. I need to make one myself so I can be more organized. A daily challenge of mine.


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