Looking at the Future of Mechatronics

A Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering degree places a lot of emphasis on the practical use of scientific and engineering principles to produce engineers that are ready for the world oftomorrow. Moore’s Law says that by the time the students finish their course they will be living in a different world to the one they were living in when they first started their course. With some engineering courses, this may cause problems, but with Mechatronics engineering the student is industry-ready as soon as he or she earns his or her qualification.

The future of Mechatronics is going to be led by the students of today. As students learn the fundamental scientific principles behind their engineering studies, they also learn entrepreneurship and how to address complex problems as well as overcome such problems with innovative solutions.

Mechatronics engineering has a multi-disciplinary nature, and engineers have excellent opportunities in the modern world, with students able to progress quickly into jobs with greater responsibilities. Where the discipline will take people is a complete mystery. A student starting today may be working on 3D printers that print cars in the future, or may be refining power storing gel or helping design low-energy gel fridges. They may be innovating with bio-energy or working on flying drone waiters and waitresses in restaurants. There are many fine places to pursue a qualification in Mechatronics; here are four great examples of places to study around the globe:

American University of Sharjah

Studying in the UAE puts graduates in a good position as the need for engineers continues to grow along with the technology and oil industries. The Mechatronics Engineering degrees can be flexible to fit around working engineers or you can study full time and live on campus. Key features include a Mechatronics Center and high profile faculty members.

Deakin University Australia Worldly

This Australian university offers a four-year course, it is highly respected and they accept international students. If you are a local student, then the course is available at a fairly reasonable price.

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Use your ruthless streak to learn all about engineering in a university that specialises in technology, mechanics and robotics. Truly immerse yourself in technology at this Russian institute for a completely unique learning experience.

It is evident that this field is certainly one worth investing your time, interest, money, and hard work in. With so many renowned institutions around the globe, it’s just a case of deciding on what part of the world to study in.


Images by Sergey Rodovnichenko and Pejman Parvandi, used under the Creative Commons license.




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

3 comments on “Looking at the Future of Mechatronics”

  1. When my husband took his computer courses in the ’90s (before the IT field took off) his knowledge was outdated.


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