Last Minute Romantic Ideas for Valentine’s Day

With Valentine’s Day approaching our normally hectic lives may need some time to prepare for our significant other. Often our busy lives leave us very little time to do that however and this is why we aim at quick and spontaneous solutions to the problem. This is where the magic happens – the spontaneity that occurs when two people love each other unconditionally, wanting nothing more than to make each other smile. You will show your appreciation with a gesture which shows that love – it could be as simple as a bouquet of flowers or a special card. We aim to give you a few ideas that might be used as hints – from that point onward, however, it is up to you to make that day special and memorable:

A Romantic Weekend

Modern life is filled with lots of stressful situations and a quick getaway from it all might be exactly what you need to alleviate that situation. Surprise your significant other by packing your bags to Enfield and take the initiative. Wait for them to come home and sweep them off the casual routine by taking on a new adventure. You won’t regret doing so as this will be unexpected and sweet.

A Candlelight Dinner

This is something that bears a magic of its own, the mellow and surreal atmosphere. Although it could be something traditional and conventional it will allow you to spend some quiet time alone in your company, simply enjoying the time and moments together.

A Shopping Trip

Shopping can be fun even if you’re a guy depending on the way you approach the very act. If it is done in a slow and happy fashion in places the two of you will enjoy it can be a really fun activity. Whether using a discount coupon, a gift card or simply taking a slow walk around stores and combining it with a night out you will find a great way to spend the evening.

Local Events

Whether you’ll get to a movie, concert, theatrical performance or an art gallery anything you do together will have a significance on your relationship like no other. You can spend the night out while socializing or simply experiencing something together and talking about it later during the evening.Draw together

Draw together

Drawing or painting together can be a lot of fun especially when you’re doing it in the right place such as a gorgeous location outside or somewhere inside a pub or a restaurant. Have a nice, big piece of paper and do your best to doodle something funny or serious. Remember the inner child and let go of everything while you’re in the company of your loved one.Fold Origami

Fold Origami

Origami isn’t really as difficult as they might look at first look – there are plenty of interesting traditional designs and many new ones being developed by practitioners of the art. Doing something like this together will allow you to enjoy the fruits of your labor together. You might even share what you made with another couple you know to make their Valentine’s Day a little different.

Bio: Amber Collins is a professional freelance writer, blogger, and doer. Housewife and dedicated mother, she is passionate about everything related to E14 house management and organization and believes that her home is her sanctuary.  She is giving some last minute ideas for a great and unforgettable experience with your loved one on Valentine’s day.



Fine Living

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

12 comments on “Last Minute Romantic Ideas for Valentine’s Day”

  1. These are great ideas! I really like the idea of painting or doing a craft together. I LOVE crafting!! It would be fun (at least for me!) to have him join me in a crafting night! I think he would enjoy it too 😉 Maybe he and I can have our on pinterest party right at home for one of our date nights lol! It’s so happening!

    • I’ve done this type of thing with others before and it has made for some very lasting memories for me. Especially when you get to display your finished work.

  2. What fun ideas! We haven’t gone shopping together in so long that I don’t think the other one would even know where the other one likes to shop any more. Hmm, we might have to get a sitter and head to the mall!

    • Don’t forget to go by a lingerie store and try things on for him there (and maybe use a dressing room for some foreplay.) You’d blow his mind away!! LOL. 🙂

  3. I’ve never thought about making shopping together a special occasion with hubby. Strange – when I go out with girlfriends or my daughter its an outrageous time of laughing, trying things on for fun, eating out somewhere refreshing – why can’t it be that with him, too?!

    Thanks for the tips, they were great.

  4. Fun ideas! Dinner and a movie is always a win for us. Going to a concert together or having a candlelight dinner would be something creative and out-of-the-box for us to try! Thanks for sharing on Mommy Moments 🙂

    • Glad you found these ideas possibly beneficial.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

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