I have been a fan of Kirk Cameron since I was a kid watching him on Growing Pains. I have been blessed with the chance to be a part of a phone conference with him to discuss his new movie KIRK CAMERON’S SAVING CHRISTMAS which will hit the theaters on Friday, November 14th  thanks to Flyby Promotions. Kirk Cameron’s Saving Christmas is a movie about reminding people the true meaning behind Christmas even through the wide range of decorations and gifts.

Kirk created this movie because in our society today there is a clear division between those who either celebrate it and those who don’t celebrate it at all in the ‘traditional’ sense of the word. There are people who believe in God, and feel that the world has become too worried about decorations and gifts to really remember the true reason behind the season so they don’t celebrate the holiday at all.  Then on the other hand we have people who celebrate it with great gusto, but yet tend to not put very much focus on the reason for the season. Kirk’s mission with his movie is to not stop people from decorating and celebrating the Christmas holiday, but to put a different shift in how they celebrate it.

In his movie KIRK CAMERON’s SAVING CHRISTMAS, he literally goes through the Bible stories and really breaks down the reason for all aspects of the Christmas season. Ironically, I felt this was the adult version of the kid’s movie Buck Denver Asks…Why Do We Call It Christmas that my kids watched and reviewed. I honestly thought Kirk’s movie would be more kid friendly, but it wasn’t at all.

KIRK CAMERSON’S SAVING CHRISTMAS is a very well made movie. It’s filled with valuable and real advice and knowledge. I feel the cover makes it misleading as a fun and hip movie to watch as a family. When in reality, it’s a serious heart to heart conversation between Kirk and his brother-in-law in the movie. The way they set it up, it’s like we’re a bunch of bystanders listening to the conversation too with a behind the scenes look into Kirk’s complete thoughts.

This movie is a good movie to watch if you’re looking for a way to explain the society’s viewpoint of the holiday season verses the Biblical standpoint. I feel any Christian adult would enjoy watching it. I think a teenager may be old enough to appreciate this movie as well. Due to the lack of entertaining aspects, the younger kids lost interest really quick.

I do have some goodies to give to one lucky reader. One lucky winner will receive a SIGNED Saving Christmas poster (by Kirk Cameron (which I would love to own)), the soundtrack to the film, and a car air freshener that smells like Christmas trees. Just fill out the Giveaway Tool completely. Be sure to check out the terms and conditions section.

You can go purchase your movie tickets now.

How do you celebrate Christmas?



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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

27 comments on “KIRK CAMERON’S SAVING CHRISTMAS Set Giveaway”

  1. Every Christmas that I get to go to my Grandma’s is a favorite. We only go every other year now, and she is 92, so we don’t have much longer. After reading yours and Cindy’s review, I would like to get this DVD for our Sunday School to watch.

  2. You just gave me a flashback! Growing Pains! I loved that show so much. Kirk Cameron is a fun actor. I look forward to getting a chance to watch this new movie of his (probably won’t be til next Christmas season…kids).

  3. Gosh, I would LOVE to have this movie to watch with my teens in my youth ministry!!! I’m really glad you shared that it is not really for kids, because the cover looks very appealing for kids! Hmm…

    My favorite Christmas story is one of the worst Christmases ever. Ha! It’s because I seemed to reach hard and stretch outside of myself and focus on Christ, instead of the crisis. <3

  4. When I was little we didn’t have money for gifts one year so my mom spent weeks crafting every gift by hand. It was my best Christmas by far!

    • I bet it was a remarkable Christmas since you were probably there helping her make those crafts? I love handmade gifts a lot!

    • It was. I can remember all the gifts I got that year and still have 2 and that has been almost 30 years ago.

  5. My favorite Christmas memory is going with my Dad and sister to our local Christmas tree farm to pick out the perfect Christmas tree. The lady who owns the tree farm always had hot chocolate and homemade chocolate chip cookies ready for all of the children to eat. It’s my favorite Christmas memory growing up.

  6. I don’t have a specific favorite Christmas. But I really enjoy the Christmas mornings now that I have kids and can watch their joy opening presents.

  7. My favorite Christmas was my sons first Christmas. He was nine months old and loved ripping the paper off his presents.

    • This sounds adorable. I’m sure as he grows up you’ll have many more just as special Christmas memories like this one.

  8. Every Christmas is a blessing. I love doing the 25 days of Christmas countdown with my kids. The family activities and spending time with neighbors and family!

  9. My favorite Christmas memory is when my entire family was able to get together for Christmas and we all had a wonderful time spending time together and laughing!

  10. My favorite Christmas was my first year as a mother and realizing what the true meaning of Christmas is really about.

  11. My favorite Christmas was when my dad was alive and watching him open the newest tool gadget I had bought him. I really treasure those memories now that he is gone.

  12. My dad traveled a lot so any Christmas he was home Christmas eve AND Christmas day was wonderful.

    • That’s cool. I never got to do that as a kid because I was told early on in life that Santa didn’t exist. I’ve ruined the Santa story for my kids too as a result, and I regret that now.

  13. Twenty-four years ago on Christmas Day I couldn’t get comfortable and I looked like Santa but 2 days later I was gifted with a perfect and beautiful baby girl. That Christmas was so much fun. I didn’t know if I was having a boy or girl but I got so many awesome tiny little gifts and supplies for my soon to be bundle of joy. In my state, every gift made me cry tears of joy. Now almost 24 years later that little Christmas Angel has blessed me with a little boy to love and kiss.


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