In Plain Sight Stories of Hope and Freedom Movie Review

Did you know that sex trafficking takes place right here in the United States? I know I personally wasn’t aware of how much it was happening in our country until I heard from my mother-in-law just what all the movie In Plain Sight Stories of Hope and Freedom shared with her as she watched it for me. I personally knew I couldn’t handle watching this movie due to my past. So, I requested her help on this one.

About In Plain Sight Stories of Hope and Freedom

This is from the back of the DVD case:

The In Plain Sight documentary is an inspiring film featuring the work of six modern-day abolitionists as they fight sex trafficking in our nation. Through engaging interviews with numerous victims, a similar pattern of vulnerability and abuse becomes clear. IN the midst of the darkness, stories of hope and freedom emerge as each survivor shares how she was transformed through the work of a sex trafficking aftercare home.

Her review:

In Plain Sight Stories of Hope and Freedom tore at my heart strings because I had no idea this was being carried out in the United States.  It showed different states who are helping these woman, children both girls and boys get straight finding God. They also found real people who cared about them and who helped them lead a better lives. Only through prayer and God guiding them to these special people will this keep going. I only wish I had the money to help these people get out of this situation.

This movie has the power to move your heart to help put a stop to this happening in our world. You can gain more information about this movie by visiting .

Did you know this was an issue in United States today?

Disclosure: We were given this movie to review in exchange for an honest opinion.




Movie Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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