Hunger Games-Movie Review

th hunger games
I had started reading the book, but truly had a hard time picturing the characters and the setting in the book because I am NOT one of those people who reads those types of books on a normal bases. So, I was leery about watching this movie since I couldn’t get into the book that much. However, after watching the movie, I’m honestly considering picking the book up again and getting the rest of series while I’m at it!!!
This movie did start out slow, and it’s a good thing I’ve read the book so that I knew to expect more action out of the movie. Once that action started, the movie kept us on our toes!! I couldn’t get over all the details that they created in this movie from the way the characters were dressed, the settings and all the rest of the things they did. I was completely impressed with the effects as well of the outfits they created for the main characters. I don’t want to kill the surprise of it by telling you about it. However, I will tell you, I’d love to have her red dress!! 
I recommend this movie. I was also impressed by the fact that they didn’t show to many gory scenes at all despite the amount of violence that definitely is a part of the story line.

I’m guessing that the next book is also going to be turned into a movie, and if it is, I’ll be sure to watch it as well.



Movie Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

2 comments on “Hunger Games-Movie Review”

  1. I had not read the book either but my wife has read all three, we watched the DVD this weekend and I agree it was a little slow to start but the level of detail was great, it’s uncommon these days from movies based from books to be so faithful to the book. A coworker of mine from Dish suggested I get the DVD from Blockbuster @ Home and have a family movie night. It was great, I took in my old movie, which had been sent through the mail and picked up The Hunger Games from my local store. Now that we’ve both seen the movie, I’m the one who can’t put the book down. Starting Catching Fire tonight.

  2. Hey there,
    Thanks for checking out my review and leaving a comment!!!
    Let me know how Catching Fire is. 🙂 I’m sure you’ll be done before I get the chance to finish reading Hunger Games (I’m reading books for the blog and my Bible currently.)


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