How Many Solar Panels Will It Take to Power Your Home?

People’s livelihoods have been changing in the presence of extreme weather and rising seawater levels.

Carbon dioxide is a contributor to global warming, yet many people still rely on energy that increases these harmful levels. One of the best alternatives to powering your home is solar energy. Solar power converts UV rays into energy that can fuel your home.

Installing solar panels can help you become more independent and you won’t have to worry about power outages. Keep reading to learn how many solar panels your home requires after looking at a few influential factors!

How Many Solar Panels Will You Need?

The average home typically requires 15 to 22 solar panels to power their home.

Keep in mind that this amount of panels is recommended for houses no larger than 2,000 square feet. If you live in a smaller or larger home, your numbers could fluctuate. Before you start investing, you need to figure out what you’re diving into.

A popular formula involves dividing your energy use each year by your local solar production ratios. Use those numbers to then divide by the power output your solar panels produce. This number should give you a better idea of how much the total cost will be.

Take a look below to dive further into these factors that will impact your solar panel installation and amount.

Size of Your Home

Are you planning to run your household on solar energy or is this a project for a cabin?

Larger homes require more panels, but they also have more rooftop space to absorb energy from UV rays. It might seem like a larger investment when you have a big home, but if you’re in a sunny area, you can save a lot of energy bills.

Smaller homes don’t need as many panels, but they typically can’t handle additional ones anyways. Unless these homes are on large properties there is limited space to install panels. With enough property, however, people can place the panels on the ground.

Energy Use

If you’re planning to power some heavy equipment at home for work or gaming, you may need to invest in more panels.

Although you can create a lot of energy with 15 to 22 panels, you’ll need more for complex technologies. Take a look at your energy consumption summary for the previous year or two. These documents contain critical info for calculating solar power needs.

Appliances, lights, and other forms of electricity are measured in kilowatt-hours. You can look at your annual total or break things down by the month. Don’t forget to mention your energy use to the soal installers so they can ensure you have the proper equipment.

Types of Solar Panels

Several types of solar panels could impact your total number needed.

More affordable options, like polycrystalline, are less efficient than other models on the market. If you install more energy-efficient panels (monocrystalline), you won’t need as many. People living in smaller homes should consider upgrading to create extra energy and make the most of their space.

Solar panels typically don’t go above 400 watts on residential homes because the project can become costly. If you get the most efficient panels, however, you get increased energy and contribute to your local grid. There are programs in place to help pay homeowners for their contributions.

Your Geographic Location

Depending on what region you live in, you may want to invest in additional panels.

Certain regions are more prone to getting sunny days while others are stuck beneath the clouds. If you’re lucky enough to live in a sunny area, extra solar panels can help you contribute to the grid. When you’re sending energy to the grid, you can also make money for contributions.

People living in the Pacific Northwest and the Northeast see limited sunshine throughout the year. Although the clouds might be hiding the sun, solar panels can still absorb the rays to convert energy. Speaking with local solar panel technicians can help you determine if it’s worth it in your area.

Reliance on Traditional Sources of Power 

If you’re not ready to cut ties with traditional forms of energy, you don’t have to put your solar project on hold.

The great thing about solar panels is that you can keep adding them to your system. Start by purchasing a few solar panels at a time so you don’t go over your budget. As you start saving money on utility bills, you can invest in more paneling.

Some people are ready to rely on solar power, especially since it’s better for the environment. Be realistic and take this project in small steps as you learn more about maintenance and perks.

How Can You Reduce Costs?

A lot of people are investing in solar panels to help the environment and reduce energy costs.

However, before you can start enjoying the rewards, you need to foot the bill. Solar panels use delicate technology that comes at a price. Since solar panels can cost a bit of money at the time of installation, you may need to look for funding.

Government and state grants are sometimes provided to incentivize homeowners to go green. Make sure you research the grants and discounts you qualify for in your home state. You can also ask about promotions when you contact solar installation teams.

If you want to hire an affordable team, Blue Raven Solar is ready to discuss your options. With a variety of panels and programs, you can fund your solar power project ahead of schedule!

Calculate Your Rewards with Solar Panels

Identifying how many solar panels your home needs will depend on a few factors.

Although most houses can run off of 17 panels, this isn’t always practical. By looking at your climate, energy use, and square footage, you can calculate how many panels are needed for optimal performance. There are plenty of ways you can fund your project or you can take it one step at a time.

Make sure you check out our site for more content about solar panel installations and home improvements!



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I'm Jethro. I'm a carpenter, and love to build things! You can find me in the garage or at work most days of the week.My sister is Crystal, who you might know from this very blog. Her son Johnny loves video games just as much as I do - so we have a lot of fun playing together!

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