Help For Working Moms

I am almost to the finish line on obtaining a new career that I have wanted since 2005. I am praying like crazy that I land this job. I believe if it is God’s will then it will happen. I don’t know about you, but provided I land this job I’m going to need to have everything well organized and have a clear cut schedule for our days.
If I don’t have that in place there is not going to be any way in the world that everything is going to get done. I had a full plate in store for me in 2015. Everything on my plate holds a great deal of importance to me. It’s just going to take some strategic calculating to fit it all into my weekly schedules. That old saying, if there’s a will there’s a way is going to become my motto for 2015!

What I’m Making Time For in 2015:

• Making time for devotionals daily

• Working 40 plus hours a week away from home

• Homeschooling the kids

• Making time for my family

• Maintaining the date night rule
• Blogging
• Restoring an old hobby

Help for Working Moms Planner

Although all of this sounds like a lot, it honestly and sincerely isn’t with proper time management put into place. That is why I was thrilled to have a chance to review Tools4Wisdom Goals Planner + Calendar + Weekly Priorities Tracking + Journalir?t=tidbitofexp 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B00OMBPI0K in exchange for a honest blog review. This planner helps me break down what my goals are for the year with an area to break them down even further. In this planner, there is a spot to break them down monthly and then weekly. There is also a section to set goals for my professional and personal aspects of my life.

My absolute favorite part of this planner has to be the weekly outlook pages. The entire day for each day of the week is broken down by the hour. Plus on those two days there is a section for recording my major outcomes for weeks. Plus I even get to think outside the box and record any creative ideas I may come up with to make my life better. I can record outcomes for the week and the steps it took to get there. Plus there is a section for my priorities too.

Check out this video for a visual of it:

I honestly feel that combining this planner with the book Flourish: Balance for Homeschool Moms (which I think should have been just named Flourish: Balance for Moms) will actually lead a mother (or person) to ultimate success for 2015 and beyond. I am certainly going to give it a stab and see where it lands me.

Find More Help For Working Mom:

You can find out more information about this planner by visiting Tools4Wisdom’s website. You can also connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, YouTube, and Instagram. Don’t forget you can get this planner for $29.95 on Amazon ir?t=tidbitofexp 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B00OMBPI0K.
Won’t you join me on this mission to use these resources as a form of help for working moms?



Product Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

5 comments on “Help For Working Moms”

  1. Inspiring post about organization. If you don’t mind me asking, how are you going to pull of working full time AND homeschooling. I was homeschooled k-12. I know how consuming it is on mom!

    • Anne,

      Although I am in charge of many aspects of the kids homeschooling lessons, it doesn’t all fall on my shoulders. Since we use Connections Academy, they have live lessons from their teachers, online programs, and many other resources to help with them learning the materials. Considering we use this system, it helps us have more freedom with their lessons and they still learn A LOT. The ONLY subject they struggle with is history. Otherwise, they are above average on their scores. 🙂

      Thank you for the question and conversation! I truly love getting to know little details about my readers. How was your homeschooling done?

    • I’ve heard great things about connections academy. 🙂 As for my homeschool experience, I was homeschooled back in “the dark ages” before there even was internet. 😉 Not many homeschool co-ops back then either. So mostly mom, dad, a pile of books and the kitchen table. 🙂

  2. this looks like an awesome planner!! I love getting a new planner every year, I am one of the few people still obsessed with writing it all down! #mondayformoms

    • I’m right there with you. I love to write with a pen and paper still. I’m glad you’re interested in this planner. It’s truly awesome.

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