Why Guest Posting Can Be Great for Your Blog

Blogging is a form of online communication which has certainly become popular lately. In the last few years we have seen a surge in bloggers from all over the world, sharing their stories on their websites of even through the medium of video.

Blogging is a legitimate career option for many young people these days and it allows the blogger to have the freedom to spend their life doing something which makes them genuinely happy and fulfilled. If you want to be a successful blogger, you will need to accrue a loyal following and build awareness. This will allow you to work with brands and advertisers to make your money and be the person you’ve always wanted to be.

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One method which many use to build their following is guest blogging. Guest blogging involves you writing blog content and posting it onto someone else’s blog who has a large following. It can be an effective way to build an audience and also connections with other bloggers in your niche. Here are some of the reasons you should try guest blogging today…

1. Get Quality Traffic

Guest blogging is a method of blogging which allows your name and content to be put in front of a much larger audience because it will be in front of someone’s else’s audience too. There are ways to find sites that accept guest posts, for example this page has hundreds of sites which offer such blogs. You will be able to find a blog in your niche and then contact the owner for a blogging opportunity. If you are accepted you will end up getting a lot more traffic to your Wes it’s through links on the blog post, and this traffic will be quality traffic due to it being from loyal readers of another blog.

2. Build Domain Authority

One of the trickiest things bloggers find when they are building their blog is how to rank higher on the search engines. SEO is a risky business and it can be very difficult to nail first time. However, even in the sea of content on the web, by posting on a guest blog you are given more credibility online and this will push your website up further on the search engine and mean you are more likely to be found by readers.

3. Build Your Online Influence

Think about how big your influence online is right now. When we talk about influence we are talking about much more than amount of likes you get on an Instagram post. Influence is about making an impact on your readers and genuinely influencing the way they feel in a positive way. It may be that you encourage someone to buy a product or even give them the confidence to be who they want to be. It doesn’t matter how small or big, influence is influence. By blogging on a site which is bigger than yours you have the chance to impact more people’s lives.

4. Develop Your Authority

It takes a long time for bloggers to grow their authority and reach a point where they are well respected in their niche. With only organic engagement it can take years for a blogger to reach that point where people truly accept them as a figure in the community. The reason this is so hard is that there are tonnes of bloggers in the world and it is incredibly hard to break into it successfully. Guest blogging can make a huge difference to the time it takes for you to gain authority and respect.

5. Build Your Credibility

It is a great way to show larger scale blogs that you are talented and to draw attention to yourself in. By guest blogging on lots of larger sites regularly, you will be able to draw the attention of other bloggers and build up your connections.

6. Improve Your Writing

When you are writing on your own blog, although you will of course try to make up your own content to the best quality, it is even more important when you come to posting and submitting onto someone’s else’s blog. It will make you try harder and you will in turn end up improving your writing style as you try your best to I,press the owner of the blog. By writing for others you will be much more likely to be a success and grow your skills.

7. Increase Your Brand Awareness

The main aim for many serious bloggers is to eventually earn the attention of brands in order to gain revenue from advertising and promoting their products. By writing in a blog with a larger audience you will be putting yourself out there to many potential brands who will notice your work and look to work with you. By having a larger amount of views per day you will be able to expose yourself to opportunities and in turn make more money doing what you truly love to do. Even if you don’t get that man views from the loss you do, if a brand sees your name on multiple different sites they will eventually become curious as to what you can offer and will look at your blog, this means they are likely to contact you.

8. Build Your Subscribers

Gaining email subscribers to your blog can be a rather tricky affair. It is not often that you would think to sign up to a blog, so why would they sign up to you? However guest posting and showing that you have a lot to offer with your content will allow you to gain a better subscription count on your website.

9. Know What Others Think of You

For some reason you seldom see people commenting in a negative way on your own website. It just doesn’t seem like the thing to do is to criticise someone on their own website. You can go for months and even years thinking that you are getting everything right and that everyone who reads your blog enjoys you content, however this might not be the case.

When you post content as a guest blogger you are more likely to receive real comments of what people really think of you. This is purely because people are more comfortable not criticising you directly. By posting it on another blog they don’t feel connected. The good thing is that it will give you the opportunity to see what you are doing wrong and if there is a way to fix it. Maybe your grammar is a little off, or your photos aren’t good enough quality- whatever it is, having someone tell you the truth is a huge help.

10. Build Your Social Media Profile

Social media can be the driving force behind your influence and brand will even use your following on social media to promote their products. This means that if you have a larger following on social media it could provide opportunities for you in the future.

By posting on other blogs it can encourage people to follow you or site and this in turn can get them to follow you social media. You may not mind too much about your following on your blog, you might be more bothered about Instagram or Twitter. This can mean a huge hike in followers for you and can drive your success as a social influencer. You could even find that moving your efforts to a social channel such as Instagram will be even more lucrative.




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

1 thought on “Why Guest Posting Can Be Great for Your Blog”

  1. You are exactly right. Guest blogging has been amazing for me. The one thing people need to understand is that when you write a guest post for someone, it needs to be amazing content. I’m talking about your best stuff so that others will read it and go, “I need to follow this guy and consume everything he writes or sells.” That is how you make a huge impact with guest posting.


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