Goodbye Netflix, Hello Quality Time: Why I’m Cancelling My Netflix Subscription

At long last, I choose to drop my Netflix subscription. I’ve been pondering this for some time. And I’m elated to take this leap! Time to reconnect with family and friends. Maybe you too are wondering if you should get rid of Netflix? I’m doing it to foster meaningful relationships. That’s why!

My decision to cancel my Netflix subscription

Netflix used to be an escape from my hectic life. We’d watch series together without leaving our living rooms. But recently, I heard news about Netflix’s own genre of movies that didn’t align with my faith. So, I had to make a decision.

It was tough, as I’d grown comfortable with Netflix’s offerings. But I needed to consider my family, as well as my entertainment choices. In the end, I decided it was best to stay away. Thus, I’m cancelling my subscription. Goodbye Netflix, hello quality time with each other!

Why I’m excited about it

Goodbye Netflix Hello Quality Time Why Im Cancelling My Netflix Subscription 2

I was so excited to take the step and replace my old Netflix routine with quality time with my family! My husband and I had thought about it for a while, so when we decided to do it, I was overjoyed.

The biggest motivator was that we wanted to spend less time in front of screens. Netflix had started to take away from dinner time conversations and activities our kids loved. So, we chose to cancel our subscription.

We were being honest with ourselves and our budget. Spending money each month on something that wasn’t encouraging our faith didn’t make sense. Netflix had removed all Christian movies and didn’t have much adult content. We decided to move away from them as an entertainment source.

Plus, I wanted us to explore other entertainment sources. Cancelling my account was the first step towards achieving that!

Reasons for Cancelling

Years of watching Netflix, logging in for hours of entertainment, was enough. I decided to cancel my subscription. That’s right, no more Netflix for me! In this article, I’ll explain why I took this step, and how it’s improving my life.

Let’s explore why I cancelled my subscription:

Netflix removing all Christian movies

Netflix recently caused a stir in the Christian community. They said they’d remove Christian movies from their streaming service. Many Christians cancelled their subscriptions. It seemed like Netflix was willing to give up their Christian customers for money.

People wrote passionate posts on social media. This led to Christian groups advocating to keep the genre available. Netflix executives changed their minds and kept some Christian films on the platform.

This was seen as a victory, but many beloved films were still gone. So some people cancelled their Netflix subscriptions. They wanted an alternative that respected Christianity.

Too much time spent watching Netflix

When I look back on the last year, it’s clear I’ve spent too much time streaming Netflix. It was convenient, but I want to focus on my spiritual life and be with friends and family. So, I chose to cancel my subscription.

The result has been great. Instead of turning on a show every night, I’m talking with family, doing my to-do list, and spending time alone.

I also cancelled because Netflix removed Christian films and includes explicit language. This caused a public outcry from faith communities.

It hasn’t been an issue at all. There’s plenty of things we can do at home – like:

  • taking walks
  • cleaning
  • exploring

etc. We forget how far we can go if we step away from our routines sometimes.

Quality time with family

I’ve come to understand that quality time with family is priceless. But, screens are taking over. I was scrolling through Netflix for something to watch with my family – nothing felt special. I decided to cancel my Netflix subscription. This was not a digital declutter, but rather, a chance to enjoy simple pleasures – like playing board games or talking together. The result? Smiles and stronger relationships. Offline experiences give much more value in the long run.

How to Cancel Netflix

I struggled to make a decision, but finally I chose to cancel my Netflix. Here’s why:

  • I wanted to spend more time with my family.
  • Netflix was a distraction, taking away from our quality time together.
  • Plus, the constant searching for movies and TV shows was just too noisy!

So I decided to end my subscription. I’m really happy I did.

Log into your account

Log in to your Netflix account if you want to cancel your subscription. If you don’t have an account yet, it’s easy to sign up.

Once in, go to ‘Your Account’ and click ‘Membership & Billing’. Scroll down and select ‘Cancel Membership’.

Netflix may invite you to stay; if so, choose a reason for cancelling then ‘Continue Cancellation’. To finalize, click ‘Finish Cancellation’.

Congratulations! You have now successfully cancelled your Netflix subscription!

Go to “Account Settings”

Ready to switch to quality time? Here’s a guide to cancel your Netflix subscription:

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Select “Account Settings” from the menu.
  3. Click “Cancel Membership” near the bottom.
  4. Follow the simple steps.
  5. Review all info.
  6. Once cancelled, no more streaming or renting. Choose one of two options: discontinue now or keep using until the billing cycle ends.
  7. Hit next & follow instructions.
  8. At the end, you get a confirmation email. Keep it just in case.

Select “Cancel Membership”

To cancel your Netflix subscription, there’s an easy way. Here’s how to do it in a few steps:

  1. Open a browser and go to Log in to your account.
  2. Click the down arrow by your profile name and choose “Account” from the drop-down menu.
  3. On the left side of the screen, find “Cancel Membership” beneath the “Your Plan & Billing Details” heading.
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen. Confirm that you want to cancel, enter any feedback and accept any cancellation terms if needed. When you finish, click “Finish Cancellation“.

That’s it! You’re no longer a member of Netflix.

Benefits of Cancelling

I chose to cancel my Netflix. It was one of the best choices ever. No longer feeling obligated to finish the series or keep my account up to date. Instead, I gained freedom. I can now spend time with family and tend to my faith.

There are many perks to saying goodbye to Netflix and hello to life without streaming:

  • More time for family
  • More time for faith
  • More time for hobbies
  • More time for self-care

More time with family

I cancelled Netflix, and it was such a relief! It gave me extra time to be with my family. We’ve all become so attached to our screens, I’d forgotten how important it is to spend quality time with the ones we love. Now, I can focus on some of the things our parents and grandparents shared with us. Like playing cards or telling stories around a campfire. It doesn’t have to be fancy. Just moments to remember and cherish.

By not having Netflix in my life, I can enjoy more quality time with my family and build stronger connections with them.

More time to pursue hobbies

I’m canceling my Netflix subscription. Now, I’ll be able to use my extra time to do more fun things!

  • Baking banana bread,
  • painting still life, and
  • tending to my indoor garden are all activities I’m looking forward to.

Plus, I’m excited to spend more time with family and friends, making meaningful connections. It’s a chance to be creative and productive – and I’m embracing it!

More time to focus on faith

I’m so thrilled! I’m taking the time I used to spend on Netflix and using it to grow my faith. It’s so important for me to stay away from worldly temptations. Watching movies or shows without godly standards was bad.

Instead of vegging out, I’m reading my Bible or books from Christian authors. I can catch up on reading that I couldn’t do when I was watching Netflix. Investing in myself and my faith will always be beneficial. Christians need to be careful of how much time they spend on entertainment.

By cancelling Netflix, I’m sure temptation and apathy won’t take over my spiritual lifestyle. Even though I enjoyed some shows/movies on there, it’s great to have time for self-examination!


Goodbye Netflix Hello Quality Time Why Im Cancelling My Netflix Subscription 3

After analyzing the benefits and drawbacks, I’ve chosen to end my Netflix subscription. Goodbye mindless scrolling – hello saving money! I’m looking forward to spending quality time with my family and nurturing my faith. I’m thrilled to take this step – I’m confident it’ll be worth it.

Summary of my experience

At last, I had grown fond of Netflix’s large collection of films and TV shows, and the ease of streaming from any device. Yet, I figured my time was better spent on quality time with my kin and mates. So, after much thought, I decided that the best way to use my free time was to cancel my subscription to Netflix.

Getting rid of it was not as easy as I thought (Netflix really wants you to stay!). But, after some research on the internet, I got through the cancellation process in a few steps. All I had to do was go on the Netflix website on a laptop or desktop device and go to ‘Account’ then ‘Cancel Membership’.

And that’s that! Although I was hesitant to cancel at first, after doing so – giving up the convenience of streaming for memorable moments with loved ones – I am certain that cancelling Netflix was a decision I will not regret. Goodbye Netflix! Hello quality time!

Final thoughts on cancelling Netflix

I nixed Netflix. Time for a reality check. I chose wisely. Connecting with family and friends is more meaningful than scrolling through Netflix’s library. Binge-watching had become a habit. Instead of mindless viewing, I’m embracing meaningful activities. I’m reigning in entertainment consumption and redirecting it to meaningful connections. I can still stream – but with discipline. It will be worth it in the end!




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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