Garcinia Cambogia Advanced AND Slender Cleanse Advanced Review

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.
I was given the Garcinia Cambogia Advanced AND Slender Cleanse Advanced (Bundle)- Fast Weight Loss in exchange for an honest blog review. I assure you that in no way shaped my opinion of these product. There are affiliate links included in this post should you decide to click on them and make a purchase I do make a small commission at no cost to you. 

I was actually eager to try this product since I do really long to lose weight, but I know I need an extra boast to make it happen. When I first got this product, I was walking Thor for up to three miles a day without even realizing was walking that much. I haven’t been very physical in a long time now because of honestly feeling like I need to be trapped at a computer screen. However, Thor is a puppy and we have been trying to get him house trained. No one else really walks him like he should be, so that leaves me making the .4 walk 10-13 times a day.

I was completely out of shape when he came in our life. Those three miles felt like a hundred miles. I didn’t realize how much I was walking in a day. (Mind you not even two years ago, I had pushed to get myself able to handle walking three miles like it was nothing, but then became computer bound again.) Well, after having Thor, it reminded me how much I LOVE to walk and enjoy the great outdoors.

I thought it was the pill that was giving me cramps and such when I started. My husband told me to stop taking the pills for a week and see if I still had them. Well…I did. Then as I got use to walking as much as I was again, the pain went away. Instead, I could tell that I was stronger all the way around.

I started taking the pill ONE a day instead of two a day. To see if I would still have the major cramps and headache. Low and behold, I didn’t have any side effects from it. Trust me, I was paying very close attention to my body to see if there was any negative effects. There wasn’t any.

Instead, I became more regular with my bowel movements (which for someone who suffers with MAJOR constipation) that was a HUGE relief for me. I didn’t have to spend 30-45 minutes in the bathroom anymore (granted, I love the escape to read my books and play my games on my Kindle, but I would much rather relax on the couch or in my lawn chair to do those things!) I also felt like I had an extra boast of energy in me. I didn’t experience the jitters or the major hot flashes I have with other weight loss enhancing pills I’ve tried in the past.

I increased it up to two pills a day and ONE of pill of the Slender Cleanse. I started to notice that my pants ARE LITERALLY falling off of me. I JUST went shopping for new summer clothes right before I started taking these pills. When I got these jeans they were snug, but still fit. I promised myself that I was going to start going to the YMCA to start working out three days a week. (The YMCA trips haven’t happened yet because life has really been a whirlwind around here lately! However, it is still high on my to-do list to make time for it!)

Between these pills helping to curb my emotional eating habit (I don’t want food hardly at all) and the little bit of extra walking activity I’ve been doing, I can see a difference happening in my body. I am eager to see what will happen with a full 30 days of using this product, like I originally planned to happen. Even with two weeks of not using it completely as directed, I can tell a difference. I don’t believe in watching a scale so I really couldn’t tell you the exact number of pounds I’ve lost, but I know I have lost some!
q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B00CH3OMPC&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=tidbitofexp 20If you’re like me and have 20 plus pounds to lose then you may want to consider giving this product a try to help give you that edge. The Garcinia Cambogia Advanced AND Slender Cleanse Advanced (Bundle)- Fast Weight Loss is only $29.95 on Amazon if you have the Prime membership.

Are you like me and scared to try these types of products? Normally I would have been scared to try it, but with 73 positive reviews of this product I was convinced it was worth trying. Plus they offer excellent customer service and a full Money Back Guarantee if you don’t like it. I wasn’t disappointed.

What are your thoughts on these products? 

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.



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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

2 comments on “Garcinia Cambogia Advanced AND Slender Cleanse Advanced Review”

  1. Hi.
    I just started taking these products yesterday. I started with 2 garcinia (1 in the morning and 1 in the evening) and 2 Slender cleanse (1 in the morning and 1 in the evening). Is that OK?I mean…should it be 2 Slender cleanse morning meal and 2 for the evening?

    • I don’t remember because it’s been so long since I’ve used these, but I have really considered getting more because they did really work!

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