First Night Your Toddler Sleep Through the Night in Their Bed Terror

We’ve had to go back on the war path with our toddler to sleep through the night in her bed lately. Zeva has been fighting going to sleep her IN HER bed for quite some time again. After two hours of fighting her, she would sleep in her bed until at 3:30-4AM and then she would come curl up in between Del and I.

I was at my wits end. I told Del maybe we needed to consider buying her a new bed from the wide range of children’s beds  that are on the market now. I was desperate to find an answer to our problem. If that meant going out and letting Zeva pick out a new bed for herself, I was game! Del was even on board once we had the extra money for it.

Yet, last night, she put up a hissy fit so bad that ALL FOUR of us gained up on her little behind. She literally turned around to all of us. Hoping ONE of us would cave. NO ONE joined her side. In a defeated upset state, she laid in her bed and went to sleep. She STAYED IN HER BED until we called the boys to get out of bed.

Mommy and Daddy had their time without worry about a little one coming in. I slept like a rock. Del slept like a rock. I literally was up at 7:30AM this morning pacing the house wondering if she was actually okay. I feared the huge dramatic fight was more than her stubborn behind could take. (When you have a family member die from sudden death syndrome it stays with you for life!)

I didn’t bother her. I didn’t go to her room. I wanted her to get use to the morning wake up call we’ve got the boys very accustomed to. It was so nice to be able to hear Daddy call the boys name and Zeva’s all together this morning. She came into get Mommy up (they have to give me hugs and kisses before I get out of bed–it’s a morning rule.)

There was a great look of PRIDE in her eyes and in the way she carried herself. She felt like a big girl. I made darn certain to tell her just how PROUD of her I was. I made her give me several high fives. Her smile just  got bigger with each high five. She puffed her little chest out and stood straighter. She has been a happy child so far this morning.

Even though there was a fight last night with her. She survived! The end result was what we wanted. She was even proud of herself. She knew she gave everyone what they wanted. It will be a night we will all remember for years to come. Now the big question… will she do it again tonight?


Disclosure: This is a sponsored post, but I assure you the story and all the details are FACT.




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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