Every Boy Needs a Hero Movie Review

Every boy needs a hero. I learned this the hard way, and so did my son.

Hero is a movie about a father who seeks to rebuild his relationship with his son that he had to leave behind. He builds up a baseball team to help other fathers make a connection with their sons too. This movie shows just how powerful one person’s actions can be on a town.

I need a Hero Movie Review – It’s The Truth

Let me tell you, this movie gave me those good kind of chills at the beginning of the movie, and they stayed with me all throughout the entire movie! It may be because I have a soft spot in my heart for baseball! My brother use to play baseball when we were kids, and I can remember watching him play with total pride and amazement at his skills. To this day judging my last visit with him, sports still hold a very special place in his heart. Watching him teach my kids to play some basic little games at home was so much fun!

My boys ate it all up, because you know what they say: every boy needs a hero!

What to Do When Your Kid Asks I Need A Hero Movie?

This movie really reminds me of the power a Dad’s bond has on how their kids handle things in life. That’s why I am so proud of my husband. When our kids were playing soccer he was at every game and right there with the coaches helping them out. He encouraged our boys. Honestly, it was some of the best times we had as a family.

I love how this movie portrays just how important it is for Dads (and Moms) to spend with their kids. I personally had very little time with my Dad growing up. In the past six years our contact has been even less. In fact, even BEFORE I watched this movie, he was weighing heavily on my mind.

We do live in a busy society. I’ve been in the shoes of feeling like I have to worry about bringing home the bacon more than I worried about being a parent to my child(ren.) I thought I needed that next big promotion or I worried that if I didn’t make the big money then we’d sink. Now, after six years of relying on God to provide for us and seeing it always happen when I trust in God completely and follow his lead, I know the error of my ways back then.

I praise God EVERYDAY that I’m home with my kids that I’m able to be here. I love that my husband was man enough to make me come back home where I belonged. We strive everyday to make sure that we will continue to be able to be here with our kids. We love being the ‘working family‘. We are a team, and we do what we can to continue to have our close knit connection.

We will never be rich, but we are rich with a house full of love! To me, you can’t put a price on that nor can a materialistic item ever be worth more than that! I missed that growing up and didn’t have it until I got back together with Del. I don’t ever want to take it for granted!

If you get the chance to watch HERO, jump at it! It hits the shelves of Walmart on September 16th.

Just remember… every boy needs a hero. 

P.S. Don’t forget today is the day that Mom’s Night Out comes out on DVD.



Movie Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

10 comments on “Every Boy Needs a Hero Movie Review”

    • Mine didn’t really dig in and do a lot with our kids until I pointed out just how LITTLE he did with them. Now, he makes it a point to get them for a couple hours each day in some form or another. Now the kicker is they enjoy being with him a LOT, and if they are given the chance to hang out with him they take it.

  1. I love watching movies or reading stories about fathers having an actual relationship with their children. That is something that is sadly rare these days.


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