Compassion Pit Replacement – Vent or Listen on BLAH Therapy

When Compassion Pit shut down, many people were left without a way to share their feelings or listen to others. Thankfully, BLAH Therapy is here to fill that gap. They are a website where you can either vent or listen to someone who needs it. They understand that sometimes people need a place to let their feelings out, and others need someone to lend an ear to. They aim to provide a safe and supportive space for both things!

As someone who has suffered from anxiety and depression, I know how important it is to have an outlet for my feelings. BLAH Therapy has been that for me. It’s a space where I can go to share my thoughts and feelings without judgment and know someone there will listen.

I know how much depression sucks; sometimes, it feels like there’s nowhere to turn. BLAH Therapy is a great resource for anyone who needs someone to talk to. I highly recommend giving them a try. But I’m getting ahead of myself. First, let me tell you a little about Compassion Pit, the site this is replacing.

What was Compassion Pit?

The Compassion Pit was a website where people could go to share their feelings or listen to someone who needed it. The site had been around for about five years and had become quite popular, with over 40,000 members, before it shut down in November 2017 due to financial reasons. The site’s founder is still working on creating another place that will provide similar services as Compassion Pit, but it has been slow going because of all the work involved.

BLAH Therapy is the next best option if you’re looking for a place to vent and want someone who can listen.

Why are people so reluctant to share their feelings?

sad woman sitting
Photo via Pexels

People are reluctant to share their feelings because they don’t want others to think they’re weak or vulnerable. They also may not feel comfortable opening up about personal things with strangers online, but this is changing as more people become aware of how helpful these platforms can be for those who need them most urgently. BLAH Therapy provides a safe place where you can vent or listen to someone who needs it. BLAH Therapy is an online community that connects people all over the world with one another through video chat, text messaging, and phone calls so they can connect emotionally when needed most urgently.

How does BLAH Therapy work?

BLAH Therapy works by connecting people who need to vent with listeners that are willing to listen. No sign-up is required, and it’s completely anonymous, so you don’t have to worry about your information being shared or seen by anyone else online! You can either post a message on their board anonymously with an email address, so someone from their team can get back to you if they want to offer support, or listen privately through direct messages via Twitter (which requires signup but does not share any personal information).

Why is BLAH Therapy a suitable Compassion Pit replacement?

The professionals at Blah Therapy understand that people occasionally require a safe and comfortable environment to release their emotions; other times, they need assistance. They aim to provide a secure and encouraging atmosphere for both activities, so if you’re searching for somewhere to vent or someone who will listen.

blah therapy replacement for compassion pit

BLAH Therapy is an excellent replacement for Compassion Pit because it provides a safe and supportive space for people to share their feelings or listen to someone who needs it. It’s anonymous, so you don’t have to worry about your information being transferred or seen by anyone else online. You can either post a message on their board anonymously with an email address, so someone from their team can get back to you if they want to offer support or listen privately through direct messages via Twitter (which requires signup but does not share any personal information).

BLAH Therapy is here for the people who need it, so whether you’re looking for a place to vent or want someone who can listen, BLAH Therapy is the next best option!



Mental Health

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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