Chasing Mavericks Movie Review

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This movie was far more than just a surfing movie. Of course, I’m noticing a trend that many surfing movies lately are more than just riding the wave. We totally enjoyed this movie.

This movie was about pushing the limits. It was also about truly preparing ones self to be able to do it in the first place.

I can remember dealing with trainers teaching me how to ride horses all throughout my younger years. My mom was determined that I was going to be a true blue cowgirl if I was nothing else. She use to get mad as fire at me because I didn’t seem to grasp the whole concept.

Then one day it all grasped for me. I can remember being able to ride horses that others couldn’t with ease. My mom was tickled pink when I finally got it down pat. However, what she didn’t grasp was that it didn’t click for me until I realized that riding a horse is a lot more than just knowing how to stay on the horse and sitting properly.

To truly ride a horse and be able to get a horse to do anything you want, you have a relationship with that horse. Like any relationship, it’s something that takes time to build. The more the bond of trust is built the more willing a horse is to do your bidding. Once that type of relationship is built then as a team, they can go on to win many prizes and conquer many tasks together with ease.

Surfing I’ve noticed is very similar. Once you learn the ins and outs of the ocean and all it entails then become a better surfer. As this movie points out, one also has to be physically and mentally sound in order to do it well enough that there is little risk of getting harmed by the ocean itself.

Life is full of many times and situations that a person has to know and use their full potential in order to come out ahead and survive. The unexpected divorce, the death of a loved one, and even the loss of a powerful job are all prime examples of when a person has to pull themselves up and dust off those cobwebs and dig in deep into who they are to overcome all of those situations.

This is a remarkable movie. It is also a great family movie as well. I don’t recall hearing any cuss words. The little bit of violence that was in the movie was short lived as well.







Movie Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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