Blogging Taking a Backseat

Okay folks, I started out this month completely gun ho to give you a month’s worth of posts all about me per the NaBloPoMo March prompts from BlogHer, but I guess I didn’t manage to even do half of them. I got blessed with many different opportunities I wasn’t expecting to get. I hope to answer the other questions they presented as great topics to cover in future posts.

However, that’s not all….Jimmy had his big writing PASS testing this month too. He didn’t have any books he at home that he wanted to take with him to testing center, and he begged to go to the library to get the latest Diary of the Wimpy Kids book since he hasn’t had the chance to get it. So, we consented to him going.

Well, I’m a HUGE book lover. If Amazon didn’t sell FREE books all the time I’d be dead broke. I couldn’t resist checking out the new books on the shelves. Low and behold, Hands Free Mama’s book ir?t=tidbitofexp 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B00DL10HF8 was on the shelf. I couldn’t resist picking it up since she’s one of my favorite bloggers too! Then there was a handful of other books on the shelves that grasped my attention too.

I’ve ended up devouring books for MY total complete pleasure for the past week. One of them ended up causing me to come with a grand total of 19 blog post topics (which will very well become my first series EVER!) After the grand response I received from my blog post telling you about the things that I don’t write about, it has kind of spurred me into thinking that it may not be so bad to let it all out to the world, even if it is scary.

That brings up the other book that I’m now reading that is also filling me up with a whole bunch of blog post ideas. That could lead to an interesting discussion with all of you too.

On top of all of this lovely reading, my husband has been home more (Gosh, I can’t express how much I LOVE that. I could NEVER get tired of having him around me. Although, I do admit to loving him working and earning money for the family too. Even if that does mean he has be gone for a long day/overnight trip, because I know I’m still going to have plenty of time with him to later on in the week to make up for it.)

We watched the movie Frozen mainly because we wanted to see what the big fuss was about. Now, I have become a lover of animated movies. I still say Pixar produces the best animated movies out there, but that’s my personal opinion! Frozen was a cute movie, and definitely enjoyable to watch. However, I didn’t see what the big fuss was about. Unless, you get attached to Olaf as much as I did. Now, I do like me some Olaf!

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Well, you know I LOVE my Kindle Fire. What you may not know is I LOVE and can get seriously wrapped up in playing games like Bejeweled, and basically any type of Match 3 or Hidden Object game. There is a Frozen Free Fall ir?t=tidbitofexp 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B00IKZX1ZI that is totally FREE for the Kindle Fire. This game is addictive to me. I love that it has just about all the features of a Match 3 game that I totally enjoy playing rolled up into one.

I haven’t forgotten about my promise. Since the boys will have less school work to do in a few weeks that is going to free up my time a lot more to write and do more of what I love doing. I’m like an eager beaver itching to write these posts, but they have to take a backseat for just a bit longer.

What have you been up to lately? 


Disclosure: There are affiliate links in this post, and if you do decide to buy something using these links then I do earn a small commission at no cost to you. 




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

24 comments on “Blogging Taking a Backseat”

    • You’re welcome. (I think I’m seeing how valuable it is especially now that I feel like I’m making great friends such as yourself.)

    • I’m sure she won’t complain. My boys didn’t complain. They even stated that they liked it better after watching it with us (maybe it was because we were watching it as a family?) That Frozen app is super cool! I even have my husband playing it right now.

    • I’m hoping that by now your father is out of the hospital and life is somewhat back to normal. (Sorry for the delay in responding to this comment.) I know how stressful this can be for you. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers.

  1. I always have intentions of writing more personal posts on my blog and it never seems to happen 🙂 Whenever I’m caught up with sponsored stuff more seems to roll in!

    • Oh my goodness yes! I literally had to write out several blog posts on paper to be able to get them out of my system the other day. Now, I’ve just got to get them in WordPress with all the bells and whistles and get them scheduled before I overload you all with just sponsored posts. Yet, I NEED every sponsored post I can get my hands on right now. I do feel blessed that they are rolling in.

  2. I definitely get life getting in the way of blogging! I have been typing one-handed for weeks due to my little guy so it’s been hard to actually blog. It sounds like you’re busy for some great reasons at least!

    • Shell,
      It wasn’t so long ago that I was typing one handed. That makes life really hard as a blogger for sure! Cherish this time, that period will be short lived when you’re looking back on it. Of course, I was counting down until she became a big more independently. Of course, now Zeva will curl up next to me and put her head on the outside of my shoulder while I work. She has to have her beanbag chair right next to me, and she pops next to it many times throughout the day. All of my kids interact with me all throughout the day, but they do respect those hours that I have to focus.

    • Wow. You do have a lot on your plate. I hope by now you’re coming up for air. (Sorry it took me so long to respond to this comment!) I love to keep busy too. Sometimes I don’t have enough hours in a day to do all that I want to get done. Luckily, I’m married to a man who rides out these long stretches with me and is so supportive.

  3. I too have had to turn my focus on my and the family instead of blogging these past few weeks. Things have been crazy adjusting to some changes and it’s nice to take a step back, adjust my approach, and start with a fresh mindset.

    • Lisa,
      I do feel like I have taken a HUGE step back. I don’t know if it’s because of this wonderful book that I can’t wait to tell you about or something else or a combination of them, but I feel like I’m starting over. I’m starting over with a clearer mindset about where I’m headed though. So, that’s quite a big change for me. I’m glad you were able to do this as well.

  4. Busy here, too. I’m traveling out of town to visit my brother (and Mom) as much as possible since he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and end of the year stuff at my son’s school, it gets pretty overwhelming at times.

    • Now your desire to share things with your kids and us about you make a lot of sense. (I love those posts from you a lot.) I’m sorry you’re dealing with the whole lung cancer ordeal. I’ve lost both my grandmother and mother to that terrible disease! I’m glad that you are able to spend time with your brother. I’m here if you need to vent to someone who’s endured this long heart wrenching journey you’re on. I have Skype up almost all the time and I check my email far to much!

  5. For the past week, I have been enjoying my son’s spring break, which sadly comes to an end tomorrow. Also, I celebrated his 8th birthday last Saturday, and bought him some pets: 3 parakeets. 🙂 Once Monday rolls in, it’s going to get busy, busy – kind of dreading it! ~lol~

    • I’m glad you were able to enjoy your son’s spring break with him. Three parakeets—I bet they are adorable. If you get one that sings, they have a beautiful singing voice that you can quickly get addicted to hearing. I had one when I was a little girl. I managed to get it a bit tame and lovable, but it took forever and a day to get that little bit of trust from it. Their lifespan isn’t as long as other birds though. 🙁 I had a cocktail growing up.They are very loving sweet birds, and they are the right size for kids too. (Just make sure you keep their wings clipped–done by someone who knows what they are doing. I can remember spending HOURS trying to catch mine because he knew when his ‘playtime’ was over and he didn’t want that to happen one little bit.)

  6. Olaf is one of the best parts of the movie! I’ve been busy with a newborn and trying to be sure to have a new post up every day Monday-Friday as well as reading. I got through 7 full books and halfway through 2 others in the month of March. My Month reading recap post goes up tomorrow morning.

    • I have a slew of books that still need to be read and reviewed. I got off kilter for a bit due to family issues. I’m playing catch up everyday. However, now that the kids are officially done with their actual live school work with the exception of some projects (which won’t take long to complete) I’ll have time to get back on track.

    • It is such a great game. I had to have my husband (the King of Games) get me through a level last night (after three days of me trying to do it), and the next thing I know he was buying it for his iPad. 🙂

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