Blog Marketing Outside of Social Media

In my search for finding ways to market my blog, I continually see the suggestions to use social media and focus on SEO in every article. Those are great things to do and focus on, but that should not be your only ways of marketing your blog. Many new bloggers get sucked into thinking only along those lines and end up not gaining new readers for their blog. I have found that I focused on blog marketing with some old school methods it did make a positive difference in my traffic.

What happens if ALL social media closes down?

If all social media were to become nonexistent for whatever reason, would you still gain traffic? Would your blog still matter to anyone other than you? That is a pretty tough question for many bloggers to answer because they rely so much on social media to bring them traffic. The sad fact for me is I’ve barely gained any traffic from social media. I can only image what my traffic would be like if I could conquer getting my posts to go viral on just one social media platform.

I’ve seen many bloggers complaining lately that since Pinterest made their latest change that they do not see nearly as much traffic as they use to see. Their numbers are dropping each month steadily. I’ll grant you that means that they are spending time where their targeted audience spends their time (like you’re supposed to do!)

Blog Marketing Without Social Media

Recently it dawned on me that I want to do the same with my blog; I want to provide my readers what they want most. I want to be their go-to source for inspiration on enjoying every moment they have and knowing they aren’t alone with some of the struggles they endure.

[Tweet “Blog Marketing WITHOUT social media can still happen. via @SLM016 #Bloggingtips”]

Blog Marketing Steps I’ve Taken Online

I’ve checked out my fellow bloggers within my niche. Many offer reasonable pricing for fellow bloggers to advertise. Some even did the exchange of advertising spots.

Commenting is an enormous form of advertisement. I’m NOT talking about small little comments many people leave! If you’re going to comment on other bloggers sites, do it right. (I’ve fallen slack on this issue too!) Take the time to read a blog post. Then write a comment that completely relates to the post. If you’re spending your time on blogs that are well within your niche or things you’re interested in, then this task will NOT be hard.

Be sure your comment adds to their posts in some form whether it’s an additional thought in relation to their article or it’s the devil’s advocate point of view. Either way, you want to be the commenter that enhanced the conversation in some way. (Do this on their blogs and their social media.) If you like the post, be sure to share it. If you write about the topic or plan to do it, be sure you store that link! You’re going to take that link and use it on your blog in some active form. This way they’ll want to share your posts too. This creates a win-win relationship between you both.

Guest post blogging is NOT dead. Be sure to reach out to other bloggers within your niche about doing some guest post writing on their blogs too. FIRST and foremost, get to know their blog. Subscribe to get their blog posts as they write them and read and interact on their blogs. Let them see you as a fan of their site! Then approach them about writing on their site. Learn from them if they are a bigger blogger.

Be sure to use proper SEO Keywords. This is a bit complicated, to say the least, but it’s well worth taking the time to do it. I personally use the Squirrly plugin and it saves me a good chunk of time while giving me amazing results.

Suggested Offline Blog Marketing

My Dad is a true blue salesman. He could probably sell you the hat you’re wearing without you even knowing it.

He made some pretty powerful suggestions on how to use my business cards for some when I get my new set.

  • Take them to local hotels and ask to display them somewhere in the hotel. (Even talk to the hotel management about doing an exchange for the right to do that. Many hotels have packages they provide their guests. It’s something worth considering.)
  • Post your business card or flyer on advertisement boards on college campuses, grocery stores, and anywhere you can post it locally and when you’re out.
  • Hand it to a waitress or server as part of your tip to them
  • If you wrote about a topic on your blog and it comes up in conversation mention it, and give your business card.

[Tweet “Here are some ideas on how to blog market offline. #bloggingtips .@SLM016”]

You can also buy an ad from your local newspapers for a relatively reasonable rate. Many times you can even write up an article for your paper telling them your story. People are always in amazement about how someone from their local area grew to be so big online. (Even if you have a few followers online, it’s still more than most people have.)

Do you save old magazines? Take those magazines you’re no longer reading and attach your business card to them. Then give them to a local doctor’s office or somewhere they will be used by guests waiting. (That’s also a great place to see if you can leave your business card at too.)

Do some elevator pitching literally! You’ve created that an elevator pitch, what better time to do it than when you’re on an elevator ride with strangers. Many times in passing you can strike up a conversation with a stranger on something you have in common. It’s a good time to spread the news about your blog as a way to get to know you more. Face-to-face marketing is still allowed and useful.

I’ve provided you with several ways to market your blog that doesn’t include social media.

What are some other ways you can come up? (Yes, I know of plenty more that I didn’t share in this post!)




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

34 comments on “Blog Marketing Outside of Social Media”

    • You’re more than welcome. I love doing these posts. It’s a lot of fun! I just hope that they are helpful to other bloggers.

  1. You do have some great ideas, I need to be more proactive in this field (especially guest posts, I write well but always lose nerve in submitting things to others).

    Offline marketing is something I struggle with as I am not the best at speaking to people face to face, through email and online I rock, but I seem to lose my nerve face to face, it is something I am working on, slowly (forcing myself outside of my comfort zone).

    • Ashley,
      I love the name of your blog! If you decide to get over that nerve, I’d love to have you guest post. 🙂
      In my book, you’re already out of your comfort zone by doing all the things you do online.

      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I look forward to working with you.

  2. Hi Crystal, the promote outside of social media ideas here are great. I need to get a business card to hand out that is for sure. Submitting an article to your local paper about your site and what you do I think is a very good idea, then who knows…next spot!

    • I had looked into the radio spot first and chickened out before I did it. I’m glad you found some good ideas.

      As always, thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • I highly recommend Vistaprint and Building Signs for your marketing needs offline. They both produce great quality products and get them to you quickly too. I love their prices. (Be sure to check for coupon codes online too.)

      I’m so glad that you stopped by and commented. I hope to have your company again soon.

  3. So many awesome ideas Crystal! I am totally going to take your advice and implement these things. Business cards are so important. I really need to add that to my to do list as well. Thanks for all of your wonderful knowledge! You are a gem to share all of this with everyone!

    • Thank you, Heather for your kind words. I am glad that you found some helpful information on this post especially considering you hear my blogging jabber every day.

      It’s always a pleasure to have your company and comments.

  4. I’m always trying to find ways to get eyeballs to my site. Thanks so much for these creative ideas that do not include SM. I’m motivated to try them. Thanks so much.

    • I’ve tried NUMEROUS times to comment on your blog before I responded to your lovely comment on my blog. I kept getting the “ERROR: Please browser’s back button and retype the letters under the CATPCHA image.” Many people can’t stand CATPCHA. If you are trying to cut down on Spam please consider getting the Akismet Plugin. It really helps keep Spam down a lot.
      I was trying to tell you that it looks like a good meal and one that I haven’t seen before which made it even more appealing to me. I also LOVE your header image!

      I’m glad that you found this post helpful. It means a lot to me. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  5. I agree with totally here Crystal. It’s troublesome for all of us bloggers because social media can be exhausting at times. As for comments, they are troublesome too. There are so many bloggers that leave comments without even reading the post. I hear a lot of bloggers complaining about that. It’s not a perfect science for sure, but as bloggers we need to continue to support each other as best as we can. I read a post last night about this topic too. And the blogger stated that after 4 years of blogging, she realised the key is supporting each other. I keep meaning to do the business card thanks for the reminder 🙂

    • I am glad that you agree with this information. Business cards are such a wonderful thing to have on hand. I can’t begin to tell you the amount of cards I’ve given out. It makes a nice difference too.
      Thank you for much for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

    • Thank you for sharing my post. I appreciate all the social shares I can get. I’m glad you found this advice to be helpful.
      Thank you for much for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  6. I love these ideas! I especially like the ones about real world marketing. Including a business card with a recycled magazine is genius! Thanks for the useful info; I’m pinning!

    Hello from the SmallVictoriesSundaylinkup. )

    • You’re welcome.I’m glad that you found them beneficial. I appreciate you taking the time stop by and comment. I hope to see you again soon.

  7. Great Advice. I try to think outside the social media box too. I’ve had so many friends tell me that they don’t use Facebook. I was like, what?!! Yet, it made me think I need to be more creative as to how I connect with readers like these. I like the magazine swap idea. I donate my used Fitness magazines, and I could easily staple my card on the front. Thanks for sharing on the Small Victories Sunday link up.

    • You’re welcome. I’m glad that I gave you an idea that you can use.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  8. Crystal, you have given us readers another great post. We all love social media and you are right in what you are saying. Connecting with like minded blogs has been one of the best things I have learnt, although I find it a bit of a journey of both good & bad building a blogging friendship. I am here for the long haul so I love learning more hints & tips so thanks!

  9. I like your post. I am always a little afraid to approach strangers and hand them a card, Not sure why but I guess it feels funny to me. Although I think going to a store or place of business that relates to my niche and handing out some cards is a fantastic idea. Thanks!

    • You’re welcome for these ideas. The more you hand out cards the easier it becomes to do it. You never know when giving someone a card will lead to them wanting you to do business with them. (I.E. Sponsored posts, handling their social media, etc. It’s happened to me.)
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  10. Great tips! I’ve also started speaking to local groups that are closely related to my niche. Then I send them home with my blog info. But I think next time I’m going to take that one step farther and send around a sheet where they can give me their info to subscribe to my blog!

    • Jenni,

      That sounds like a wonderful idea! I’m impressed that you do local speaking events. I’m sure it helps with your traffic and building a loyal fan base.
      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again.

  11. Popping over from Monday Madness =) Love it! I have my own personal blog and a real estate blog/business. We do heavily rely on social media. I know I do. Love the handing out business cards every where. I’m having a garage sale this summer and everyone, whether they buy or not, will be getting business cards =) Be sure to share your recipes, crafts, upcycles & DIYs at Two Uses Tuesday (Mon 11pm EST to Fri 11pm EST) over at Sarah Celebrates if you don’t already!

    • I’m glad that you found this post beneficial. Sharing them at your garage sale sounds like a perfect idea.
      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  12. Thanks for sharing…! Honestly, This is interesting and unique post about blog marketing techniques.

    Well, I would agree with you. I have many blog posts from other bloggers’ blog. Almost of those article are mention about social media and search engines traffic.

    It is most important and big sources of traffic, but sometime it was hard to gain advance of those sources. You know..? I am getting fewer traffic from search engine, but I do it better with social media marketing.

    The thing that make your tips useful to me that as you what you have mention, Pinterest was changed and not give much traffic anymore, and also Facebook change their algorithm since 2012 all post not to reach fan followers anymore. We need to spend some money for Ads.

    Again, thanks for sharing..! I love almost of your ways to marketing blog. You know..? Blog commenting is the most favorite ways that I always do it for my blog. It is the potential ways to build business community and relationship with other people in the area of interesting.

    Leaving the quality comment will make readers recognize you, and visit your blog. Also, quality comment build relationship and reputation.

    I have tried some few guest post on other bloggers’ blog and it give me pretty traffic. However, I am not so good at guest post since high quality not always accept my guest post.

    • I’m glad that you liked these ideas. Social media and search engine traffic is still the primary way to get traffic to your blog, but these ideas go outside of those avenues to help you gain a connection with your readership. At least that’s the case in my opinion.

  13. Your remark about leaving meaningful comments resonated with me — not so much as a tip to get more people driving to one’s blog, but as a sign of courtesy. I don’t know how many times people will leave a comment along the lines of, “Amen.”

    So, what do you say to that? If one is going to take time to read an article, and one is struck by something in it, one can take time to think of a salient remark and pass it on. I see those “Amens” and I think, “Really, did you read it? And that’s all it meant?!”

    There’s a fine line in marketing ourselves and being honest, and it’s worth taking time to think about whether what we’re doing is savvy and clever (not good) or an outgrowth of what we do (better).

    Thank you for sharing these ideas. It’s very generous of you.

    • Carolyn,

      I’m glad that you agreed that this was a tip worth mentioning. Many people don’t realize how these small comments are actually hurting us more than they are helping us.
      I hope some of these ideas help you out.
      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

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