Blog Dare. I’ve Worked Up a Couple …

I worked up a couple of blog posts for you today already. I have also worked up several scheduled blog post ideas today. So, that’s quite a bit more than I’ve had in the past. My calendar is starting to look pretty full of solid content blog posts.

Look out 2014 is going to be a crazy ride for me. However, I also feel it’s going to be one that you’re going to enjoy being on with me. I’m getting the hang of this blogging world Hubble Jubble. I’m not going anywhere any time soon Lord willing and the creek doesn’t rise.

I’m also working on a couple of investments too. I’ve already ordered a camera that should be more “ME” user-friendly. Del has a Nikon Camera that most bloggers would go through hoops to get, but I personally can’t stand trying to take a picture with a camera that is bigger than my hand. So it’s really awkward trying to take quality pictures with it when I can barely hold the darn thing. It’s a great camera for HIM. When he takes pictures with it they look fabulous and professional. When I do it…they are shaky and blurry and darn right terrible.

I’m excited for all the things that 2014 has in store for me/us already. I feel like a kid at Christmas just holding a couple of neat gifts..ideas… projects in my  hands and can’t wait to see your expressions when  you open them up or read them. I know what’s under my blogger’s hat, but I can’t share it.

Tomorrow’s topic can go so many ways. I haven’t decided what topic I want to go with yet. These Dare posts are very similar to those Five Minute Friday posts in my book. I write what comes to mind and let it roll. Of course, that’s how I use to write prior to following all of these blogging rules.

One week from today my world is going to change as I know it. I’ve been working on a couple of clean up and maintenance and organization tasks for the past two days determining what I want to do the most in 2014. I’ve been getting jived up on coffee, which I’m finding out for me is a DANGEROUS thing.

I’m overly hyper again and full of energy like you wouldn’t believe. I feel like I could jump and run… and lord have mercy…. my poor husband,…if ya know what I mean on that one. 😉 Guess what my pants are falling down like crazy lately too. So that means my body is going through it’s saying, “I’m willing to let you lose  a couple of those excess pounds of weight again.” Only to be teasing me. I’m sure to blow up like a balloon again in a month or two.

See what happens when I get even an ounce of excess caffeine in me?? I turn wild and crazy. That may explain why my ex employees would give me Mountain Dew like it was going out of style. They knew I’d get in the mode of being super productive and make them laugh their heads off. I know my kids love it when I’m like this.

What makes you get all giddy, productive and happy? 


Do you dare to join in on this blog dare?





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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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