Artistic Rhinolin II Desk Pad Review

I was given the Artistic Rhinolin II Desk Pad from in exchange for an honest blog review. 

I have never in my life used desk pad. I honestly didn’t know what the hang I was going to do with mine since we primarily use laptops in our house. I didn’t really exactly need to use it as a desk pad.  Yet, I got a bit creative with mine. I put it on my children’s worktable that they use for their lessons. That didn’t pan out so well because the boys kept fighting over who was going to use it. When they weren’t doing lessons, Zeva would literally slide it back and forth across the table.

However, I found a PERFECT use for mine. It makes a beautiful background mat for when I want to create pictures of promotional products. I imagine that once my mother-in-law sees it she’s going to want to steal it as a mat to use to separate her quilting materials on. It makes a great background for seeing things very clearly!!

It’s nice and soft. Yet, sturdy enough to handle the weight of big products and NOT lose it’s shape. I enjoy writing my personal notes on special office stationery . I’ve already told you about my fetish for pens. Now you know my other weakness.

For me personally, this desk pad has many uses. I feel it is a nice quality product. I have seen other desk pads, but I have always felt that they were flimsy or not big enough. This desk pad covers 24 inches by 17 inches. So, it’s big enough to hold the computer, monitor, and keyboard with ease. When in use, it really doesn’t slip and slide that easily.

You can find more office supplies and even promotional shirts on Shoplet’s website. You can also connect with them on FacebookTwitter, Google+, and Pinterest.

Do you use desk pads? 


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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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