Appreciate the Little Things He Does

I’m reminded on a daily basis why I fell deeply and madly in love with my husband. He’s been working himself into the ground almost for the past three months. He literally has been working 6 days a week with his new job. Then on his one and only day off he’s still working with the family business. Then to top things off he’s still going to college.

Despite ALL of that, which definitely has him exhausted, he still makes sure he makes time for his family. He’s been taking time out to take us all to the local park or spend time with us doing other things. Plus he also ensures that I get special quality time with him.

Granted all of this leads to us having some pretty late nights because he still needs time for himself to unwind playing his video games or watching his favorite shows. However, he deserves time doing what he loves as well.

He still showers me with kisses, hugs, and holds my hand when we go out and about. He does so many wonderful things to make me feel treasured. He’s becoming an even better father with our kids as well.

I’m not saying all of this to brag even though it may sound like that. I’m saying it because I know there are many other men out there that do this for their spouses and kids, and never get the credit for doing it. Their spouses are to busy focusing their attention on all the things their spouse isn’t doing on their “to-do (want) list.”

I guess since today is Memorial Day, I think of all the military spouses who have such little time with their spouses and wonder if they are even going to live long enough to get home to their wives and children. It reminds me that those of us who are blessed to have our spouses home with us, should find all the ways to appreciate all that our husbands do right and count our blessings.

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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