Another Long Day..

Well, our dinner didn’t get done until after 3pm, and I was so glad that I took the time to at least eat some cereal. By the time our feast was done, I was starving. I ate like a pig!!!! I do declare I ate enough for 2.5 people, instead of 1.5. Oh well, that was our final meal for the day.

I think my youngest hasn’t been sleeping that well at night since he probably hears me get up a thousand times at night. He is very protective of me and constantly worried about me. Plus I think our dog is waking him up at night too. 🙁 So, he has been extra fussy lately and today he didn’t want to eat. I’m hoping he isn’t getting sick on me.

Zeva didn’t want to wake up this morning, but once Little Del talked to her she’s been active as all get out for most of the day. The rest of my mucus plug is coming out little by little. It’s been coming out since yesterday afternoon. I’ve never seen my mucus plug before, so it is freaking me out just a little bit. However, after doing research it doesn’t look any different than what was described. The pains have been more intense since it came out that’s for sure. However, there’s no pattern to them.

I keep hoping to meet our little girl soon. However, I also realize and agree that the longer she’s in me the better off she is. I truly want her as healthy as she can be regardless how miserable she makes me. I don’t care if I feel her pressure as I’m walking or she makes me feel like my eyes are going to pop out of my head due to the pain she’s been giving me throughout the day today. I will endure every ounce of it to be able to hold her in my arms. She is truly our biggest blessing this year!!

My boys made me proud today when we had company over. They tried really hard to be on their utmost best behavior!! They even made sure to tell our company that they were glad that she joined us. It’s so good to see them welcome others into their lives.

Well, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Our food is put away and the dishes are done, and baths are out of the way (minus mine still, I’ll get mine right before I go to bed, in hopes that it will help me sleep better.) We’re now going to curl up and watch movies the rest of the day. 🙂

We got our Christmas shopping done, so I don’t have to worry about fighting the crowd. 🙂 Of course, I didn’t see to many grand deals this year. There is some savings, but not enough to make it worth my time to fight crowds and traffic. Remember a lot of companies are now honoring the same deals online that they are having in the stores.




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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