We were given the chance to review Agenda 2 from FishFlix.com as a part of the Schoolhouse Review Crew. Agenda 2 is a documentary movie that covers many of the things that are happening in America.
Agenda 2
In this documentary movie created by Curtis Bowers, he covers many of the topics that most people don’t really want to talk about out loud. He talks about the everything from our basic freedoms being in jeopardy to how our government is trying to turn in our country into a socialist country.
I am not typically a documentary watcher, but I ended up watching this one twice just because some of the key points that Curtis was making made me ponder and think quite a bit.
Two quotes from this movie truly made me think:
“I think we are losing more and more freedom because we are afraid.”
I found this quote to be strikingly true! I do feel many American citizens are afraid to continue to make a stand for their rights of freedom. Our overall rights to our freedoms have been and continue to be taken from us all around us. Yet, I don’t see enough people putting up a fight to stop it. I see it happening in VERY small doses. If you think about it, Curtis has addressed this issue rather well in his independent documentary.
Considering, I’m an advocate for us maintaining our ability to make many of our own decisions without government involvement, watching this documentary was like watching a preacher singing the same message to a choir is agrees with him. I was chanting along with him as he was talking about those issues.
“The old saying, keep your enemies closer so you always know what they are doing is definitely happening in our society today.”
I agree with Curtis; the government feels like Christians or anyone with a strong belief that goes against what the overall government wants to have is considered their enemy. I see many negative things from history that we’ve read about from other countries happening here in America without many people really noticing it happening. Instead of there being ONE leader, there are several of them. Life as we know it is at stake.
Overall, it’s safe to say I would recommend watching Agenda 2. It is not a family movie, but it is a movie that will point out some of the things that you may be overlooking. I do feel that as a whole we need to STOP overlooking these issues and fight to make America great again.
About FishFlix

FishFlix is a place where you can find Christian movies. They carry many of the movies you’ve seen me review on this blog throughout the years. They even have a bargain section where you can get the movies at reasonable prices.
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Do you feel we are issues with our freedoms being taken from us?
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