Add a Dose of Christmas All Year Long

Granted it’s February 19, 2014, but after having our socks knocked out from underneath us when our power went out for an extended period of time and now being hit with our big truck having to go into the shop for a new clutch, it definitely makes a person think about being prepared for the future.

We got to thinking about the fact that we don’t really plan for crisis situations. We also don’t plan for Christmas worth a dime with the exception of one year when we got the Wii U. This led us to thinking about ways in which we can prepare to make 2014 the most specular Christmas yet.

Delbert is always requesting that we decorate our house to the hilt both inside and outside. He wants to be the one with the most decorations on the block. Any time we ever take him to see the Christmas lights at the local parks every year, he is thrilled to pieces. So that made us look at in hopes of getting cheaper prices in the off season.

We were surprised to find that they had section displacing lights that can be used for Valentine’s Day decorations. That got us to thinking of how we can incorporate a bit of the Christmas spirit into all of our holidays throughout the rest of the year. Del and I were floating around a bunch of awesome ideas.

We went through some of the major holidays and thought of ways we can put a Christmas spin to it. Here are some ideas that may be of interest to you and your family too. Who wouldn’t like to put a bit of Christmas spirit into their lives all year long? Plus these craft ideas will make memories that can be used as Christmas decorations too.

Yes, Christmas is the one time of year that I ‘try’ to be crafty with my kids every year. This would make me have to be crafty a bit more with them, and they love it even though what I produce looks like nothing it’s supposed to look like.

Christmas Spirit to Popular Holidays

St. Patrick’s Day– Make a Shamrock snowflake

Easter– Make a springtime globe.

Fourth of July– There’s already a million ideas for having Christmas in July on Fave Crafts. Of course, we came up with making Christmas light Sparklers.

Halloween- Create a Santa lantern instead of a Jack-o-lantern.

Thanksgiving– Make a feathered Christmas tree.

These are some ideas of how to incorporate Christmas all year round. You can even visit a town that celebrates it all year too. I found that bit of information to be interesting. I thought it was just in the movies.

How do you prepare for Christmas throughout the year?

Or are you like us normally, and wait until the very last minute to prepare? 



Fine Living

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

2 comments on “Add a Dose of Christmas All Year Long”

  1. Hi Crystal! So glad you guys’ power came back on! Thank God ours didn’t go out here in Columbia, but my son JUST went back to school today..IKR! Besides, today’s beautiful weather made up for it, lol! Only in SC! I’m a procrastinator…I don’t buy gifts until Christmas Eve…IKR! I’m a sucker for the adrenalin rush I guess! Have a wonderful evening!

    • I’m a sucker for the adrenalin rush too, so I feel ya all to well. Of course, it is nice to take off some of the pressure of it all too a little bit at a time. I’m jealous that you didn’t lose power. I feel like I’m a week behind on everything and I don’t like that feeling one little bit. I didn’t realize just how much I did in a day until now.

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