A Bit More Dreaming

Del and I will be celebrating six years of marriage on May 21st. It’s hard to believe that six years has gone by so utterly quick. We have had our fair share of ups and downs throughout our marriage. I do feel though that for the most part we have a happy marriage. At least my kids tell us we appear to have a happy marriage. They are quick to say that when we do have a fight (which isn’t all that often when you really think about it) that we will work it out because we love each other. Our kids are secure in that knowledge.

Last year, Del was working long hours at GameStop and our anniversary was basic. However, he was dreaming of creating a wedding for me. Since he knows I never really got the wedding of my dreams. So, I still love looking at wedding dresses, planning out wedding details, and even seeing just how much it would cost to do everything. I have literally created what feels like hundreds of different wedding plans and kept them reasonably priced for an audience of 300 people. It’s one of my favorite things to do. I guess that comes from the romantic side of me??

Anyways, when Top Wedding asked me to feature them on my blog, I was totally thrilled to have an excuse to dream again about what I’d have in my wedding if I were given the chance to renew my vows with Del. (Yes, I do still hope that one day we are given that opportunity.)

I went on a hunt through their Vintage Wedding dresses because I’m still old school in many different ways. I love to be stylish but yet do it in subtle manner if possible.  I love the long gowns with a bit of a train to it. This dress is perfect for me from their collection of dresses available. Yet, there are many other wonderful choices available too.

I like the veil in this picture, but I also like the fact that there are many other detailed veils to choose from on their site. They literally have various colors, sizes and even shapes to choose from. I like that I can get them to cover my entire face and back of my neck.

As a plus size woman, I appreciate the fact that they have taken the time to provide bridesmaids dresses in plus sizes that are actually very stylish. I also don’t feel like I’d look like a walrus wearing them. Nor would I have to feel like I’m trying to stuff a big huge pear into a vice to be pretty enough to be a part of the wedding. I also love the fact that they offer them in various sizes too so that the bride can pick out a dress that will fit all of the bridesmaids.

I feel confident that a person could get all of their dress needs met on this one website. Looking at the prices on these dresses, it wouldn’t cause them to go into major debt to have a beautiful wedding. Top Wedding also offers many other accessories that are needed for your spectacular wedding too. They also provide dresses for other occasions, like prom, too.

You can gain more information by checking out their website. You can also connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and  Pinterest. Plus you can check out their blog to gain more ideas.

Am I the only one who dreams about a wedding even after they’ve been married?

Disclosure:  This is a sponsored post, but all opinions and ideas are my own. That in no way shaped my opinion of this company. 




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

19 comments on “A Bit More Dreaming”

  1. We got married at the courthouse, so of COURSE I dream about weddings I’ll never have! Dresses, decor, favors, cakes, all of it. I have two sons and a daughter, so I’m hoping that my daughter comes to me years from now and asks for my help because I will be ALL over that!

  2. I am engaged and I hate the idea of having to wear – much less SHOP – for a wedding dress LOL I would totally rather be in jeans in Vegas LOL

    • Sounds like you and your finance’ need to really communicate about what you want. There are many people who don’t desire the wedding dress type wedding. You can still have a nice wedding in jeans (for me it would be jeans and boots!) 🙂

    • So true! With the way things are going we’re seeing new things we wish were around when we got married everywhere we look. As it stands now, I’m seeing things in every aspect of my life that I wish were around when I could have used them.

  3. My husband have been together for over 23 years but only married 12 years…. I’d like to renew our vows on our 25 wedding anniversary, so I’d need a new wedding dress. 🙂

  4. I adore that wedding dress!!

    My husband and I actually talk about doing it again. We have been married almost 14 years (in June) and we still say it was the best day of our lives but that we would appreciate it more NOW after all of these years. We may actually do a formal vow renewal one of these days. Maybe at 15 years?

  5. Gorgeous! Love that dress. I got married before Pinterest (lol), so I always think about the things i would do differently. I also got married young and kind of quickly and didn’t put a ton of thought into it. It would be a different story today!

    • I hope that my kids let me help plan out their wedding too, but it’s going to be hard to not come across as taking over their event. I fear I’m going to be one of those horrible mother of the bride/sons due to my enthusiasm.

    • That’s all that matters in the end is that you were happy with your dress. I bet it was pretty. Do you have pictures of you in your dress? I love to see wedding pictures.

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