5 Non-Cheesy Ideas for Your Bachelorette Party Gift Bag

It has been years, months, weeks, and lastly hours of counting. Now, it is just a few hours before you say, “I do” to the love of your life. But before that great and memorable day sets in, you need some time and forget all the hassles and challenges you had along the way as you prepare for this joyous day of your life. When it comes to this level, you need something to send off the jitters of the soon coming wedding day through an elaborate bachelorette party with your best friends and family.

Photo by Lemon Jenny

But what about the gifts that accompany this auspicious day? In this post, we will look at some of the best bachelorette party gift ideas that will spice up your last night before crossing over from Ms. to Mrs. Before proceeding, note that you don’t have to spend a fortune on gifts that you need to surprise your friends with on this beautiful and memorable wedding eve. Here are some of the ideas that will help you shed a light of hope and joy on your girlfriends or relatives’ wedding eve.

Bachelorette party survival kit

If you want a gift pack that will make things easy for your girls, think about a survival kit for their night out. You need to fill your kit to the brim with every tool they need to get that cool night out as they chase away the longest and most anxious night in the life of the bride. To make a lasting impression, it is necessary to select practical and useful items such as mint, hair ties, lip balm, lipstick, hand sanitizers, headache medicines, makeup, and any other item you may consider useful for your girls.

A pedicure set

This set is another one-of-a kind gift pack you can give your girlfriends as they take the bride out for this memorable night of her life. The gifts do not need to be expensive in themselves. However, they should communicate a big caring and priceless heart.


What about that “hot” lingerie for the bride? This too can do the trick on that beautiful evening. If you want to spoil your girlfriend, it will be great to get her something memorable that her husband will see on her curvy body on their first honeymoon night! To make the whole deal more fun, the bride can ask her guest girlfriends to come with their lingerie on to the party. She should also ask them not to write their names on their gift packs. Then, she can use a coin toss to select the one she will put wear on that memorable day of her life. For instance, she can toss a coin five times for every lingerie pack. If she settles for the heads, the pack that will receive the highest number of heads will carry the day. This way, it will not just give her the power to choose, but also infuse the whole process with fun.

A travel gear

Unless otherwise indicated, all brides definitely travel after the wedding session. With this awareness, you can surprise your girlfriend or family member with a travel gear for her honeymoon. For instance, if she indicated to you that she would be travelling to the beach, then you can organize and buy her a beach towel or bikini. You can also shower her with a passport holder if she is travelling abroad. If she chooses to travel to Africa to enjoy the wild and watch wonders like the famous wildebeest migration in the world-renowned Maasai Mara in Kenya, then you can surprise her with a pair of binoculars and sun goggles.

Beauty products

Another surprise you can shower your bride-in-waiting with is a set of beauty products. The reason is that the wedding day is incomplete without beauty, which greatly depends on the products. Which bride does not want to titivate herself and look “wow?” Since you know your friends’ best beauty tastes and matches, you can throw the surprise and furnish her with high-quality perfume, a set of nail polish, and skincare products that will make her glow on her big day.

You are now up to date with the kind of bachelorette gift packs you can surprise your girlfriends with. With these, and many others, you can help make the bride’s day a lasting memory that is not just pegged on an event, but noble hearts of friends and family members who care.




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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