Girls Night Out Must Have

I was given the chance to review Ivanabitch Vodka from the company in exchange for an honest blog review. 

 I am NOT and I repeat NOT a heavy alcohol drinker. In fact, the last time I touched alcohol was when I did the review on the Daily’s Cocktails. I’ve NEVER even had Vodka in my life. I got this because my girlfriends and I love to try new alcoholic drinks when given the chance.

I was actually so nervous when I got this Vodka in the mail, I called my best friend up right away. I was eager to try this product instantly because I was so anxious. Yes, when I’m nervous, I’m eager to get the task over with. She laughed at me and stated it was only 2:30pm. I told it, “It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere.” She laughed some more, but she agreed to be a part of the fun. I was going to save this for a girls night out event, but my excitement over powered me. I’m glad that it did because it worked out beautifully.

Quite honestly, the name of this product scared her away at first. In fact, I tried to share how good it was in a live hangout I was a part of and the announcer refused to say it because he thought I was cussing. I honestly think if this brand had a different name it would be a LOT more popular!!!

I tried the cherry flavor first since I’m a huge cherry lover. I tried it without anything added to it at first. Let’s just say my tongue and throat BURNED!! Once I got past that ordeal, I could taste the cherry flavoring. That burning sensation almost scared me away from having anymore at all.

Luckily, my friend is more experienced with alcohol than I am, and she had some Ginger Ale available. We mixed it together with the cherry flavor, and then it became good as gold to drink!! My friend was concerned about my being able to handle drinking 70 proof and having to go back and pick up Del from work. I assured her I was good to gold because I attempted to get drunk on my last outing with my friends from Ohio right before I moved to SC, and despite their best efforts and several drinks later I never did get drunk. (So to this day, I have no clue what being drunk or high is!! Chance are high I never will.)

I left the rest of the alcohol with her because I knew she’d get a lot more use from it than I would. Plus she could give me a more honest review than if I were to attempt to drink it or use it since I’m a Vodka virgin.

Her anniversary was a few days later, and I knew they both loved Peach flavored items. So, I did request the peach flavor with their anniversary in mind. She called me up later than what she’s EVER called me before to tell me that they both loved the peach flavored one just by itself as little shots. She even went so far as to tell me about AGAIN the next time I saw her a while later. She stated that her and hubby have been using the peach one off and on since they got it. They still have plenty of it left.

They haven’t dug into the apple one because they want to ensure they have something to mix with it in case they need it. However, I have a stand in date with her to try the apple one in the near future because I’m itching it to try that one with some apple cider.

Oh, I also forgot to mention, that one day I called her up on the spur of the moment deal and let her know I was going to be in her area. I asked if I could stop by. Low and behold, she had a drink of the cherry one with the ginger ale waiting on me. We enjoyed a nice breezy afternoon together watching the kids play while drinking our Ivanabitch cherry vodka. It tasted so much better that day than it did the day we got it.

I feel like I’ve reached a new milestone in my life because I have finally tried Vodka. I’m glad that Ivanabitch was the one to help me make that big step. This product is perfect for a girls night out event. I would definitely recommend using it for spiked drinks at a party.

You can find out more about Ivanabitch Vodka on their website. They’d love to connect with you on Facebook and Twitter.

Have you heard of or tried this brand yourself? 

Disclosure: I was given this product free in exchange for an honest blog review. Granted there are no pictures of us drinking this product, but that is because I am strongly against posting pictures of someone drinking alcohol due to someone trying to twist lies about me due to one picture of me drinking in my life! I refuse to have that done again to me or anyone else I care about!! This is one alcohol product that I did enjoy drinking a lot. You can test my system any day of the week and you will never see me drunk or have high amounts of alcohol in my system EVER. I drink responsibly and so does the friends I hang out with!!!!



Product Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

4 comments on “Girls Night Out Must Have”

  1. You know, I don’t ever think I’ve had flavored vodka, but it sounds good! I’m not a big drinker by any stretch of the imagination, but I can imagine that this would be tasty!! I’ve not heard of Ivanabitch but what a great name!! I’d have to give it a whirl based on the name alone!! –Lisa

    • You would have to be a punk and comment about liking the name of the product. ;P I laughed when I read that. I do like the cherry one. I’m itching to try the apple one, and will soon I’m sure. 😉

    • It is a winner provided it’s combined with something or used as shots. My girlfriend loves it, and is now a loyal fan of theirs. (Of course, so am I to be honest.)

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