5 Natural Paths To A Better Night’s Sleep

Do you ever struggle to get a good night’s sleep? If so, you’re hardly alone. Many people suffer from some degree of insomnia, but going without proper rest isn’t inevitable. Often it’s a result of environmental factors, behaviors, and other elements we can control – and that’s good news. It means that you have the power to change things, and better sleep starts with these 5 simple solutions.

Better Bedding

When it comes to quality rest, comfort is key. That’s why it’s important to choose a mattress that meets your needs when it comes to size, firmness, and materials, and the same goes for your pillows. But how can you determine which type of mattress or pillow you need? Everyone is different, but side sleepers tend to be more comfortable on memory foam, while those who sleep on their back tend to get better rest on a firm latex mattress.

Turn Down The Lights

It’s hardly news that most people prefer to sleep in a darkened room, even if many of us can doze off with the lights on if we’re tired enough. Still, it’s not enough to just turn off the lights at bedtime. You also want to reduce blue light exposure – specifically, technology use and artificial lighting – before bed. Blue light interferes with your natural circadian rhythms, so put your phone to sleep at least an hour before you lie down. During that last hour, dim the lights, make sure your blackout curtains are pulled shut, and spend some time reading or meditating.

Try A Supplement

Most prescription treatments for insomnia don’t actually help you sleep, they just create a state of sedation, and they can be deeply habit forming. That’s why many people prefer to use natural supplements to improve their sleep. Historically the most popular choice has been melatonin, which our brains naturally produce, but recently, more people have been turning to CBD products for improved sleep. CBD can induce relaxation, but doesn’t leave users with a groggy feeling the next day.

Keep It Cool

Just as most people sleep better in a darkened room, we also sleep more deeply and comfortably at cooler temperatures, which is why it’s so hard to sleep during summer heat waves. Aim to keep your bedroom temperature between 65 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit, but if that’s too energy intensive for your home, you can look into a cooling bed pad or similar product.

Kick Out Clutter

If you’ve ever felt stressed because your space was messy or just cluttered, you’re not alone; but as distracting as this is in a workspace, it’s much worse for your sleep. When structuring your bedroom, then, keep things simple. Keep the colors muted and remove clutter from the space. This will help you feel calmer and keep you from getting sidetracked or stressed before bed. A clear space creates a quiet mind, and one that’s ready to rest.

It’s normal to experience some trouble sleeping on occasion, but if you experience frequent sleepless nights, you need to take steps to correct the situation. Sleep is important for your overall health, and the longer you go without, the harder it will be to undo the negative effects.




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Hi, I'm Dale. Some of the things I like to do are box, lift weights, and spend time with my beautiful wife Crystal. I also enjoy watching shows on Netflix or playing video games with my son when I can find some free time.

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