Movie Review Round Up

I have gotten behind on my movie reviews. Before I head into the rest of December I want to ensure all movie reviews are posted and current. That way I can go into 2015 with a clean slate and you don’t miss out on any of these great movies of 2014. Plus many of them are perfect for watching throughout the rest of the holiday season. These ten movie reviews are not placed in any particular order.

1.) Jesus Boat- (Review is from Granny Lee)- At first I thought it was going to be a long drawn out documentary, but it not only told about the boat the two brothers found, but it also covered the verses in the Bible. First it tells a story about Jesus going on a boat in the Sea of Galilee where the people could hear him. There were many there. It told about the destruction of the Temple of Israel and the people there. The temple was destroyed by the Roman Army. It also went into detail about the history of the Jews. This movie also covered the story of the Sea of Galilee. I found this movie to be quite interesting, and it seemed to follow along with the stories of the Bible too.

2.) White Christmas- (Review is from Granny Lee) This movie was originally made in 1954. It stars Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney, and Vera Ellen. All of them are really good singers and dancers. I personally feel like they don’t make movies like this anymore. This is a classical musical worth watching, and it will tug at your heart strings in a positive way. It’s a movie worth making a part of your movie viewing tradition each year.

3.) Rumors of War- (Review is from Crystal) This movie reminded me of The Mark movie I watched a long time ago. However, this movie is based on the premise of people running away from getting a chip put in them. Considering how high tech we are becoming as a nation this movie made me see just how it could really happen and the effects of it happening. I found it to be interesting and informative in many ways. However, my kids were not the least bit interested in this movie. It honestly is a good movie worth watching especially if you know your Bible and even if you don’t, you’ll still find it to worth watching.

4.) Iesodo Joy- (Review from Delbert) – This is a cute and enjoyable movie. It was just as good as the rest of the Iesodo movies.

5.) Thunder and the House of Magic (all three kids pitched in their review)- Check out this little video of all of the kids giving their input on this movie. I personally have had to listen to this movie play in the background A LOT! (Sorry some of it is turned sideways. I tried to fix it, but ended up messing it up more. 🙁 I’m still a video taking rookie.)

6.) Cartoon Network Holiday Collection (From the kids) – This is another one of those movies that has been played a lot in our house lately. They all enjoyed watching this movie for various reasons. They had to give it to Granny Lee so that they could watch the movie over at her house too.

7 & 8.) When Calls the Heart Change of Heart & When Calls the Heart Rules of Engagement– Like always these are great additions to the series. This series hasn’t lost it’s appeal to me one bit. Delbert seems to really adore this series with me more and more. I haven’t quite figured out what he finds appealing in this series, but I personally love the wholesome love story behind it.

9) A Belle For Christmas– This is a cute movie about a dog who provides a holiday miracle. It’s a sweet family movie filled lots of love.

10.) Expendables 3– This is a great action packed movie that will keep your attention from beginning to end. I expected it to be filled with things that would make me lose interest right away, but it really was a good action movie. We all enjoyed watching this one.

I hope you found something worth watching from this movie review round up. I think there is a good combination of various kinds of movies for you to pick from.

What is a movie you’ve watched recently that you’ve enjoyed?



Movie Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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