Why Should You Buy a Pikler Triangle for Your Toddler

When your toddler is in a growing phase, you want to make sure he/she gets the best environment. And the instruments that facilitate physical activity are core to creating that ideal environment. That’s where you can consider buying a Pikler Triangle.

If you’re not familiar with it, you will suspect if it’s worth the investment and if it’s safe for your toddler. But once you know what it is and why it was built, you’ll have more confidence in making the purchase. In this article, learn why parents should be buying the Triangle for their toddlers.

What’s a Pikler Triangle Exactly?

As the name might hint, it is a triangular-shaped object with ladders on two sides and the third being vacant. It’s similar to a regular ladder, except that it’s smaller and is meant for toddlers.

These ladders are nothing new and have been around for years. They are named so after Dr. Emmi Pikler, who used to be a Hungarian pediatrician.

She invented them to provide a naturally-paced, free movement play. Dr. Pikler had a philosophy that children have an inherent ability to guide their motor development. The ladder also fosters a respectful toddler-adult relationship. That’s why you’ll see the triangles in use at every Montessori education centre.

So how does the Triangle benefit your toddler at home? Let’s find out.

Improve Gross Motor Development

There are two types of motor skills vital for the development of the toddler. The first is fine motor development, and the second is gross motor development. Fine motor development involves the use of fingers and hands to grasp things. All toddlers develop their fine motor skills when playing with toys and handling bottles.

Gross motor skills include the coordinated use of large muscles other than hand and fingers to make larger movements. Parents often take their toddlers to the nearby park to facilitate the development of gross motor skills. But with a Triangle, you can allow your toddler to develop those skills at home.

Strengthen Limbs

Toddlers experience rapid development in their strength and muscles. Therefore, physical activity is just as important as proper nutrition.

The ladders are designed to facilitate physical work and activities. As the child climbs up and down the ladder, they use multiple muscles, including the limb muscles. This allows the muscles to develop and grow, keeping pace with your toddler.

Not only the limb muscles, but they also help develop the core. With a strengthened core, the toddler finds it more comfortable to balance and utilize full-body functions.

Improves Spatial Awareness and Decision-making Ability

Spatial awareness is a cognitive skill that toddlers develop over time. Without this skill, they’ll find it harder to navigate the world and put themselves at risk of injuries.

Your baby will just be confused as you when it looks at the ladder for the first time. But he/she will force his/her brain and sensory system to recognize patterns. They will learn that by placing their hands on the ladder and pulling themselves up, they can easily move. These things can only be learned by doing.

With trials and errors, they will decide for themselves how to climb the ladder and get down safely successfully.

Thus, the Pikler Triangle helps your child improve his or her decision-making skills at home.

Builds Confidence and Inspires Adventure

Toddlers are inherently curious to learn new concepts. But they need the confidence to do something at their will. They, just like adults, are somewhat hesitant in trying out new things. But the successful use of this Triangle will give them the confidence to take on new things as they grow.

The Triangle will also teach them early in their life that failure is part of the process and they shouldn’t get discouraged by failure.

Safe, Compact, and Affordable

Another benefit of purchasing the ladder for your toddler is that it’s not a hefty investment. You can get a high-quality Triangle for as little as $200 shipped directly to your home address.

If you’re concerned about safety, then you can rest assured that they’re safe among kids. That’s because they’re designed for kids. To make it even safer, you can place pillows in the vicinity. It is compact. So you do not have to worry about making special arrangements for storage space. You can fold it and then store it in the basement.

Every parent should consider investing in a high-quality and durable Pikler Triangle. Not every company offers the same quality. Thus, you should conduct your research on the company selling the Triangle before placing an order. With that said, the ladder will go a long way in facilitating learning and physical activity for your toddler.




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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