Warriors of Honor Review

I was given Warriors of Honor to review from New Liberty Videos as a part of the SchoolHouse Review Crew to do an honest blog review.

New Liberty Videos Review

Jimmy and I went through the list of movies we could pick from, and there were several interesting looking videos on New Liberty Videos. We had a time deciding which one we wanted to watch the most. Since we were in among of studying the Civil War in his history lessons, we decided to choose the Warriors of Honor to review.

This detailed documentary of the causes and the major battles of the Civil War. It gives you a zoomed in overlay of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson’s lives. They were Christian men who stood up for what they believed in. Their life story was rather interesting.

New Liberty Videos Review

After watching this movie, I understood why my mom was so fascinated by Robert E. Lee. She was a huge fan of his, and she even collected many things with him on it. She always stated that he was the type of man she had hoped to marry. I never fully understood her saying that until watching this movie.

ALL three (yes, even Zeva) of my kids were glued to the TV watching this movie. I was stunned to see that type of reaction from them watching an 80 minute documentary movie. I honestly thought I was going to have to fight to get them to watch it, but they were impressed with these gentlemen’s lives and actions. I honestly feel like they may have actually learned something too.

I’m not a political person by any stretch of the imagination. I have the theory that unless it directly affects me I’m not going to put my nose into it. However, I do feel that our government is doing nothing but going downhill and it scares me. I am not the least bit secure living in our country anymore. I wish we had real Christian men who fought to make sure this country was run according to the Bible. This documentary really made me long for that type of environment even more.

My kids loved this movie so much they made sure to give it to my mother-in-law to watch. They even gave her many details out of the movie that they remembered from it. My mother-in-law was just as shocked as I was at their reaction to this movie. This movie is actually good for all age audiences too.

New Liberty Videos has many other movies to choose from that are filled with educational value. I personally know that I will be saving up my pennies to get my hands on some other history movies they have in stock for my kids considering their reaction to this one. Their prices are right on track with the other places you can buy movies too. You can get Warriors of Honor for $19.95.

New Liberty Videos is owned and ran by Mr. and Mrs. Brain Barkley. Mr. Barkley has been producing Christian movies for the past thirty years. You can find out more information about them by visiting their website.

What are your thoughts about these Christian leaders?

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

10 comments on “Warriors of Honor Review”

  1. I’d love to get my hands on their Dead Sea Scrolls video. We’ve been studying ancient history the past 2 years, so it would fit right in. 🙂

    • There are so many quality choices to choose from with this company. I would pick out at least three to five other titles we’d benefit from having.

  2. So interesting plus I remember Robert E. Lee from school which is saying a lot. Somehow he was memorable. Very cool that the kids liked watching it and this is a great way to get our kids to love America again. I don’t feel safe in America anymore with the people running it either by “any stretch of the imagination.” As far as I know, History taught in schools today if full rhetoric and not America’s history.

  3. I’d love to watch this– my family isn’t as big into documentaries, but I seriously love them. I love to discover the different perspectives and takes on history people have, too.


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