It’s Time to Love Me #LoveMe

Today I’m being vulnerable with you, and I hope that you’ll treat me with loving kindness. I have been struggling with my weigh since I got pregnant in 2000. During that pregnancy, my hormones got entirely messed up, and as a result losing weight has become a battle that I can’t seem to win. I’ve been on many different methods attempting to do it. While I was pregnant with Zeva, I lost a GOOD chunk of weight. UNFORTUNATELY, it all came back.

I’ve told you that in 2015 I was going to be smarter with my decisions I make. One of those decisions is eating  smarter. I did find that eating like a diabetic made me feel 10xs better. I’m going to give the low carb and to eat like a diabetic method another try to see if that makes a positive difference in my weigh.

My goal each year has been to lose the 155 lbs that I can’t seem to shed. I need moral support to help make that happen. I also need a stronger plan. When I’ve been actively involved on in the past, it’s made me feel less alone and honestly less frightened to speak about my personal feelings concerning this.

My tribe mate Pepper has created this #LoveMe Challenge, and it got me thinking about MY worth yesterday. I realized that I have all but given up on loving me and appreciating who I am as a person for a long time now. I was raised up with my mom steadily telling me that I had to stay skinny in order to be beautiful or appreciated by society. The sad fact is now that I am as big as I am, I hate to say she was right, but in MANY ways she was right on the mark. (She learned it from her own battle with weight.)

Won’t you join me on the #LoveMe challenge

A photo posted by Crystal Green (@crystal_green521) on

I’m here today saying that I AM WORTH the time and effort. I’m NOT saying that I will be able to lose this weight because I DO have a hormone imbalance. Thanks to government changes I’m not able to afford the medicine I need to help me regulate it. I’m going to be doing a lot of praying and try eating a diabetic diet. Plus being active on

That started today with eating a breakfast consisting of Honey Bunches of Oats. While I was eating it, I did find out that it has a high rate of carbs in it. That is utterly terrible, but it does mean I have to watch what else I eat for the day. Honey Bunches of Oats actually is jammed packed with many valuable nutritious items. For me, that makes it worth eating the extra carbs to get my body moving in a positive manner.

I’ve started recording what I put in my mouth. That’s going to mean I have to think really about what I put there. I love how SparkPeople makes it to where I can record it rather quickly. I also gain a lot of support from other members going through similar battles as mine.

This may sound like a post promoting SparkPeople, but it’s actually a post letting you know that I need support, and if you do too, then join me there. This is a picture of my profile page. As you can see, I’m NOT a little woman by any means. I want to become a little woman again. I miss being able to say that I’m a little tyke filled with a lot of dynamite.

I want to love ME more starting from the inside out.

What about you?

Disclosure: I was given Honey Bunches of Oats to review, but that in no way shaped my opinion of their product. I actually have been a loyal Honey Bunches of Oats fan for many years!!





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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

4 comments on “It’s Time to Love Me #LoveMe”

  1. What a great idea. I love the concept of what Pepper is doing. And you happen to look awesome in that photo. Love that sun dress! I will check that site out for sure <3

  2. Wow, love this idea of yours and Pepper’s. Never heard of the weight loss sight SparkPeople before. I stopped buying cereal last year when I realized it costs as much as meat, but we do love Honey Bunches of Oats and if I’m going to buy cereal it is that or a Post cereal we like that has cranberries in it.


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