#TidbitsThursday Blogging Courses and Book Worth Doing

These are courses I either won in a giveaway or bought with my own money. I was NOT required to share these products with you in anyway. I also have included affiliate links, but that is also because I strongly believe in these products. 

Top Mommy Blogger Learning Academy

I have been blogging for three years now, and have been doing it professionally for some time now. HOWEVER, my stats are LOW compared to some of my blogging friends. I KNOW a lot about blogging. As you can tell by reading my #TidbitsThursday posts. Yet, I didn’t do a lot of things right when I first started Tidbits of Experience. Due to that, it has hindered my growth in my opinion. I don’t really want to spend the time it would take to fix this site to it’s full potential. Plus I’ve been wanting a clean slate so to speak.

Tidbits of Experience is going to continue to run by us until we sell it. However, I have created another site that I will tell you about once I have it fully set up and live. It is going to be a family blog. All of us including my mother-in-law will be adding to it.

Since I invested in Top Mommy Blogger Learning Academy I have realized just how many things I’ve really not done right with Tidbits of Experience. When I started my blog I have no idea how much it would change my life and my families. It’s all been for the positive.

I get asked all the time, “How do you get started with blogging professionally?” My husband is quick to say just start writing, but I’ve learned the value of knowing from the beginning what your plans are for your blog.I also know the value of setting it up properly. All of that is things that I really am NOT good at explaining.

However, this academy does it perfectly. I can literally go from start to finish and know I’ve set up a professional blog thanks to this academy from bloggers who are very successful with blogging and many other avenues on the web. This academy does cost $99.00 a year. I assure you though that by the time you spent looking for the answers and paid someone else to help you set up, you’d be well on your way to making that kind of money with this program.

By the way, there is no affiliate link or request from the ladies who created this program to write about this program. I choose to do it because I find it so helpful for myself even after all this time as a blogger. 

Products by Melissa from Blog Clarity

The next thing I want to share with you is from Melissa from Blog Clarity.
Melissa has created a program called Content Brew Course. This course is perfect for helping you create a schedule and plan for your posts. I have always been one of those to use my book planner to create a general idea of what I wanted to write when.

This system is designed to help you create content for your blog, Facebook, and Twitter for at least a months worth of time. It is helpful even if you’re like me and filled with blogging ideas galore.

I can come up with ideas, but coming up with an order to which to write them and share them that’s a whole different ball game. I’ve tried to maintain the same day route with what topics I cover. However, that doesn’t last for very long. So, I love her system because it taught me how to create visuals to help with that issue.
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She also created a wonderful book called Blog Design For Dummies . This book is filled with loads and I mean loads of helpful tips to creating a blog that is appealing to the eyes and for the reader. I used it to make many of the changes you see on Tidbits of Experience now. She didn’t include how to fix this whole feature image issue on my blog posts, but I am still working on it. This book is one of those that I recommend that you get the paperback version because you’re going to want to mark pages and make notes as you use it.

Those are the tips I have for you this week for blogging, but I assure you they will keep you busy for some time! I can sign their praises enough for these products.

What are you’re blogging tips? 




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

61 comments on “#TidbitsThursday Blogging Courses and Book Worth Doing”

    • You’re welcome. I shared in one of my other #TidbitsThursday post about ways to come up with content. I’ll locate it and add it to this comment too.

    • I still have one other awesome program to share with you that is so WORTH it too. I love taking blogging courses and reading blogging books.

    • My problem is getting organized with the content I want to share verses the sponsored post work. Plus I also was losing my order of when I shared certain topics. (I still have to get it straight, but I’m working on it.)

    • It’s every penny and then some. I like to change my themes a lot, and this book is such a great thing to have on hand.

  1. I’ve heard wonderful things about all of those courses! I really need to get off my duff and do them myself 😉 No matter how many years you’ve been doing something, there’s ALWAYS more to learn, you know? 🙂

    • I’m a bit guilty of loving to learn more than actually doing. I KNOW a lot, but really don’t implement them on my own blog a lot.

    • You’re welcome. I own many of the ones that are on Amazon. (I can loan them out at 14 days at a time. So, if you want check with me to see if I own it if you want to borrow it first.)

    • I still need ONE thing fixed on my site and I’m more than happy. All of the changes you see are a result of this book guiding me along the way. It’s filled with loads of information that is all helpful.

  2. I would love to take an online blogging course… but I would be afraid of not keeping up with the course (online assignments) work because of life’s expectations. BUT there is still SO MUCH I still have to learn (even after all these years blogging!) 🙂 It is an ever changing medium! 🙂

    • It is definitely a constantly changing world for sure. The one thing I love about these courses is the fact that I can do them at MY pace.

    • You’re welcome. I have plenty more that I’ve bought through Amazon. I do have the option of loaning them out for 14 days if you want to check with me first to see if I have it.

  3. Even though I have been blogging for 7 years, I still love reading great tips from other people who have been successful with it.

  4. I know two or three people who have the “Blog Design for Dummies” book and they absolutely rave about it! I’m seriously intimidated by anything backend when it comes to my blog, but really need to become more familiar with it . . . ten years in and you’d think I would be. This post is a great reminder of things I could be doing to increase traffic, aesthetics, and overall better performance when it comes to blogging.

    • This book takes away the intimidation in many ways. It also allows you to save money because you’re able to do a lot of the little things on your own.

    • I want to trademark, but it looks way more complicated that I feel I could do on my own. Is it my own fear standing the way?

    • This made me laugh because on many things, this would definitely be the case for me. I’m more of a show me type of person for sure.

  5. I loved Content Brew! I came up with so many ideas I couldn’t even write them all! Like you, I haven’t always done everything perfectly when it comes to blogging. I’ve thought of starting over with a clean slate but I think of it more as morphing into the site I want it to be. 🙂

    • I am eager to get my new site up and running completely. I’m still working on all the many back end things for it. Plus trying to get some posts scheduled for it before I really promote it completely.

  6. I had no clue that Top Mommy Blogs offered a blogging course. I will have to look into it. I have been blogging for about 4 years now but I am always open to learn new info.

    • I’ve been blogging for over three years, but this course has taught me so much. I’m barely even through the first half. (I’m doing as many of the steps as I can as go along with my new site.)

    • I’m glad you found some really great tips. Be sure to check out my other #TidbitsThursdays posts. I try to share what I learn as often as I have something worth sharing with you.

  7. Melissa is super smart and is a pool of knowledge. I haven’t picked up her book but I really ought to do that!

  8. I have bought a few of those dummy books in the past as well as ProBlogger (By Darren Rowse). I love all books on blogging. I really need to get back into mine, maybe the content course could help me out.

    • I have tried many of them throughout my blogging career. I have one other one that is itching to be shared, but that will be in another post.

  9. My tip would be to never stop learning or growing, you cannot be afraid of change. What you find working one day may not work the next. Another would be not to compare yourself to someone else. Third would be not to get wrapped in stats so much you lose focus of your writing and last would be community!

    thankyou for sharing TMB!

  10. Can’t wait to see your new blog! I have the pdf of Melissa’s book–but haven’t read it. I don’t have time! But I want to learn—I find out all the time that I am doing something “wrong!” Oh well, baby steps.

    • To me having the physical book of her’s has been a HUGE blessing. It has helped me so much. I continue to refer to it. In fact, I didn’t even think to check in her book to see if my answer was there until you brought this back to my attention. Going to look now.

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