The Ultimate Blog Party #UBP14

This is NOT a Sponsored Post. 

I’m super stoked to be joining the Ultimate Blog Party #UBP14 this year. It looks like it’s going to be so much fun and educational. is putting it on. It’s going on from April 4-11th, 2014. I love all things blogging. I love meeting new bloggers and interacting with the bloggers I’ve met online through the years. I look forward to the Twitter party and the Google+ hangout. I know the link ups are going to be nice too.

I also have to admit, I’m quite impressed by the grand list of things that they are giving away too. I will have no clue which items I want the most. I guess I’ll just have to make time to enter them all.

All of this grand stuff starts in less than 40 minutes. I’m so eager, I literally stocked up on caffeine and told Del to get involved in his video game. I am itching to explore this grand party.

If you are new here please check out my New Here page.  I also look forward to meeting the fellow bloggers and learning even more. I am sure my upcoming #TidbitsThursday blog posts will have plenty more to share with you.

Won’t you come join me? Just click the banner to gain more details.




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

17 comments on “The Ultimate Blog Party #UBP14”

  1. Hi Crystal! So nice to meet you and thank you for stopping by our blog. We home school so looking forward to seeing what you’ve blogged on that topic! Have a fun week. 🙂

    • Nice to meet you too Anne! I love when I have new visitor who comments. It just brightens my day! I have several pretty cool things to talk about coming up in the up coming posts.

    • I really don’t have my act together right now, but it’s been a fun escape for sure. I am loving meeting all of the new bloggers that are also involved.

  2. Dropping by from UBP14. Love your site! I am a brand new blogger with two teenage sons, and I’m having so much fun connecting with other moms in blog land. I will be back to read more…

    • Lana,

      It’s a lot of fun being a part of the blogging world. I totally love it. I do offer services to help fellow bloggers out at fairly reasonable rates.

    • I’m so glad to hear that you consider me fun. I LOVE Twitter parties. They manage to get my blood pumping and I totally love interacting with everyone on them.

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