The Age of Esports During COVID-19

Like many industries on the internet, esports and online gambling have many ties. After the onset of COVID-19, many people looked to the internet to fill several functions.

Among them are work and play. When federal and state quarantine sanctions hit, after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the internet grew.

The rise of esports contributed to this link between the internet and entertainment/play.

Esports vs. Virtual Sports: the Role of Online Casinos

Online casinos are the main platform for betting on virtual sports. Gamblers and gaming enthusiasts can bet on virtual sporting events straight from their mobile devices.

The lines between esports and virtual sports are not clear. They both provide similar sporting experiences.

Via the internet and the use of technology, sports enthusiasts can participate in online sporting events. They can also watch and bet on the outcomes.

Lucas Goldberg is an expert in the Canadian gambling industry. He discusses several of these options in his articles.  Canadian online bingo is one example of why it is difficult to completely distinguish esports and virtual sports. There is still the first-person experience available with bingo. However, the experience that gamers have with esports is more interactive

The bottom line is that esports, for its players, are much more fast-paced and interactive than virtual sports. The European Sponsorship Agency discusses some of these characteristics. The challenges that esports face during this time of growth are part of the conversation.

The Effects of Quarantine Measure on esports

According to an article by Tony Allen, the esports industry was already a sizable industry in 2019. He states that it had a market value of $1 billion. Allen also notes that the number of esports spectators rose dramatically (23%) on the gaming platform Twitch.

This rise in spectators is part of what is driving the growth of the esports industry. More spectators mean more attention. The awareness of the technologies and experiences that esports are providing increases popularity.

Riot Games and Steam are two other gaming platforms and developers. They are helping to provide infrastructure for stay-at-home gamers.

Both parties provide instant chat software. The software allows gamers to chat while playing their favorite games or even watching movies and TV shows together.

The Differences Between esports and Virtual Sports at Online Casinos

One distinction that spectators or outsiders may not see is the difference between esports and virtual sports. Or better, they don’t feel the difference between these two sporting categories.

Interest in esports increased due to the lack of professional sporting events. The inability to hold large spectator events has handicapped the professional sports industry.

Formula 1 and football are a couple of virtual sports that are very popular worldwide. They provide us with great examples of the kinds of differences that distinguish virtual sports from esports.

For a spectator, watching esports is no different from watching virtual sports. You can bet on both, and there are a variety of sports to watch. The main difference between the two is the first-person experience that comes with esports.

Games like League of Legends and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive dominate the esports industry. Gamers take on the first-person experience. Controlling their character and interacting with other team members to win epic battles is the goal of esports.

Those playing esports are immersed in their gaming environment. It becomes a kind of virtual reality, whereas virtual sports don’t provide this same experience. Playing virtual sports at online casinos is akin to watching the sporting event live and betting on the outcome.

That’s not to say, however, that bets are not placed on esports. Like any sporting event, esports events profit from the spectators who gamble on event outcomes.

Again, the difference between esports and virtual sports is the motivations that its players have for playing. Many esports enthusiasts resent corporate attempts to artificially form fan bases.

They see using large sums of capital for advertising and recruitment as unnecessary. Virtual sports are many times created and hosted by casinos, large capitalist organizations whose motivations are stereotypically known as money and renown.


The effects of global pandemics like the COVID-19 situation are devastating.  Silver linings like esports and virtual sports give people a chance to play together. They also provide ways to and communicate efficiently during difficult times.

As the situation develops, gaming authorities and gamers alike search for solutions. They search for solutions to provide everyone with access to online entertainment. They seek answers to the riddle of how esports can continue to grow its fan base.




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I'm Jethro. I'm a carpenter, and love to build things! You can find me in the garage or at work most days of the week.My sister is Crystal, who you might know from this very blog. Her son Johnny loves video games just as much as I do - so we have a lot of fun playing together!

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