The Action Bible Guess It Game Review

I’ve been desperately trying to get more hands on with the kids in the things we do together. When I was given the chance to review The Action Bible Guess It Game from Family Christian I couldn’t wait to dig into it with my kids. We own various Bibles that we do read together as a part of our routines, but I’m terrible at remembering details like names, places, and things. So, I found this game to be really difficult.

I think if we would have owned the Action Bible that it would have been far easier to play this game because we could have turned to the pages that were listed on the cards and use them as a guide. After doing some research on the Action Bible, I can see why is so popular. I can also see why this game would become EASY for kids to play this game too. Here is a great preview of the Action Bible.

The object of the Action Bible Game is to see how much you remember about people, places, and things in the Bible. The players have the chance to earn up to 20 points from each turn. They just have to correctly answer who the person, place, or thing is that is mentioned in the Bible. Each card has 20 clues on them that start out hard and work their way down to really easy.

I just literally purchased the Action Bible to share with my kids and to give this game another try because I do really LOVE the concept behind this game. This game will definitely encourage us to read our Bibles more and learn more about the word of God. That to me is a wonderful thing to have happen in a home.

Where Can I Buy The Action Bible Guess It Game?

action bible guess it game box

You can purchase this book and game off of Family Christian’s website. The hardcover Action Bible is $17.99. You can get the game for $9.99. I personally feel both of these items would be a very wise investment.

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

4 comments on “The Action Bible Guess It Game Review”

  1. Boy, I would have loved this as a kid attending Catholic school and really would appreciated it when our daughter was young. It actually looks FUN!

    • It is definitely a great family activity to do together. The Action Bible is really an amazing Bible to read with your kids.

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