Thanksgiving Delight

It’s finally Thanksgiving, the day that I get to relax other than washing dishes, and spend time with the family. I love days like this. Granted there are things that still NEED to be done, but they will hold until tomorrow because today is a holiday. 🙂

Del has been out here with us playing our Wii U. I love when he gets the chance to spend time with us doing something that he loves. He tried playing the Zombie U, but unless your playing two players it’s really a boring game. So now he’s playing Super Mario Bros Wii U game. Zeva hasn’t determined what she thinks about having all of us in the same room. Which we do that quite often, but it’s not the same as us all interacting like this. I’m so glad we got our Christmas present early. 🙂

The birds outside our house were going CRAZY this morning. I took a video of it, but it takes so utterly long for videos to load that I decided against sharing it. 

>However, it definitely made me think of the Birds movie by Alfred Hitchcock. I will NEVER forget this movie for as long as I live. I watched with my mom, and ever since then seeing a swarm of birds of any kind freaks me out. Yet, this morning I was washing dishes and heard the birds going crazy outside of our house and went outside to see what the hang was going on. The birds were flying from tree to tree, leaves were falling everywhere, and they were making so much noise it was freaky.

Today I’m thankful for so many things….

1.) My wonderful husband who truly spoils me rotten and makes me feel utterly cherished everyday. He also supports everything I’ve ever done to try to better myself and/or our families life. He knows when to put his foot down and be the man of the house without being overly controlling. He knows me better than I know myself in so many ways. He has been my greatest support system for going on 20 years now. He has definitely loved me unconditionally far more than I’ll EVER deserve. I praise God daily that he granted me my biggest prayer and wish by having Del and I back together and married with three kids.

2.) I’m grateful for ALL of my kids (that includes my first born.) They all have made my life truly remarkable. They may make me want to pull my hair out a good bit they make me extremely happy other times as well. They definitely help me to see the world through the “eye of a child” still; which definitely makes life all the more enjoyable.

3.) I’m thankful for having true friends in my life who don’t get upset when there are extended periods of time when I don’t get to interact with them as much as I would like. However, there are Thanksgiving cards on this website that I sent out to let them know I was thinking of them, and when I do get the chance to spend time with them, they welcome my THREE kids right along with me and don’t mind doing things with me that are kid friendly and cheap. They also know and appreciate all of my downfalls, and know that I love them even if I can’t show it worth a dime.

4.) I’m also grateful for my adopted family members. I have had many people adopt me into their families throughout the course of my life. I have two adopted mothers, my first stepfather and I are still close, my first stepsister and I talk, and I have adopted grandparents who go to my church as well. All of them are truly a huge blessing in my life.

5.) I have been blessed beyond measure. I may not have all the riches in materialistic items, but I do have all the riches I’ll ever need. I praise God for everything I have and will have.

What are you thankful for today?




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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