Teething & Zeva Makes for A Horrible Combination

Right now, I’m so grateful that we got selected to receive samples from Children’s Advil in exchange for giving you all feedback on it. I literally waited until I had to use it in order to give you honest feedback on it. Well..it didn’t take nearly as long as I had hoped for it to happen.

Zeva is teething something fierce again. I will be so glad when my little ham gets all of her teeth in because she does not do well at having teeth coming in. Of course, I can’t say I blame her. I have gum issues, and she may have it as well. If that’s the case, then her mouth is always going to be sensitive. Poor thing.

Children’s Advil provides relief for up to 8 hours. I have to say I think it actually worked for Zeva for up to 6-6.5 hours. She did not go to sleep like I figured she would when she took it. So, that was actually a nice change since other medicine has put her to sleep. However, it did help with her fussiness.

Children’s Advil also provided a nice helpful resource section for parents as well to help with keeping track of baby events and dosing charts. This will come in handy when your trying to determine how long your little one has had a fever and what the temperatures have been. I know when my little one’s are sick it definitely is NOT something I remember to well when I’m trying to keep the house running smoothly and keep her happy. Charts come in handy for sure (instead of using that scrap sheet of paper or trying to use my notes app on the phone (while trying to tell hubby what the new temperature is).)

I do recommend Children’s Advil and have to say it is pretty good. I also can say that Zeva doesn’t seem to mind the flavor of it as well, and any parent knows how important that is.

What do you use to treat your kid’s fevers and pain?







Disclosure: “Thank you to Children’s Advil for providing samples, product information, and gift pack.”



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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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